Drown it out; Come

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Charlie's POV

I lifted the glass to my mouth and let the cool liquid into my mouth as I swallowed I felt the burn in my throat. The music was loud and all I wanted to do was forget. More and more drinks came to me and I couldn't refuse to drink them all. Multiple people came up to me and started a conversation and I tried not to sound or act as drunk as I truly was. I knew I would regret it in the morning, but if it made me forget, who cared about tomorrow. Not me. I saw a tall figure, With medium length brown hair. Shit. She looked just like Amber, That was it. I had to find Amber. She was definitely here, she must be. She wouldn't miss a party. I start to walk around looking for her, or maybe even curly turd bag or peter pan turd bag. But no. I spent ages looking for them. I heard a door open and when I turned around and Peter Pan turd bag walk through. Alone.

Amber's POV

We had taken our tine driving to the party. We were occasionaly stopped for pictures and autographs, but I didn't really mind, all I was really bothered about was how I really didn't want to go to this party, I didn't want to face Harry and Louis. 'Do we have to go?' They both turned to face me. 'Well if you don't want to.' Louis said, looking at harry. 'You know what? Louis, you go to the party, and Amber we can go home.' I smiled at the offer and looked to Louis. 'Sure.' He said. There were a row of taxis outside the building that we were in front of. As Louis went inside he turned back round to wave a final good bye, Harry pulled me over to one of the taxis. As we climbed in he shuffle dover to the other side of the taxi he told the driver the road his house was on and we were soon on our way. 'Amber?'

'Yes?' I was nervous at his now serious tone.

'I, eeer, I really need to talk to you.' Oh god.


'I' he huffed. ' I have more than just friend feelings for you. I really, well. Ireallylikeyouandermwell.' I cut him off by telling the driver to stop. He pulled over to the side of the road and I got out. Why did this have to happen? 50 million girls would die for Harry to say that to them truthfully, but me? no. Just plain no. I started walking faster and faster to where we were before. Where Louis was. I knew I would run the risk of Charlie but right now I couldn't be bothered.

Charlie's POV

I smirked as Peter turd bag Pan walked towards the bar to get a drink. This was my chance for pay back.

Louis' POV

As I waited for my drink I heard a English accent beside, of someone I did not want to see talk to or even be near. 'So, Louis.'

'Rowe.' I greeted him harshly.

'I need you to, come with me.' I could smell liquor surrounding him and I knew how angry and violent some people can get when drunk, so I went with him. 'Fine.' I said sternly. I followed him into another room where their was no one. I stood up and crossed my arms. That was when he shoved me against the wall. I was thrown hard and fast (I know, it sounds so wrong.) I felt the pain go from my back down to my toes. He poised his hand in front of my face. Tightened into a harsh grip and white knuckled. His fist slammed into my face. 'Fuck you Charlie Rowe.' I pushed him off me violently.

'More like fuck you Lewis. You stole my girl. I know what your up to. Its stupid I know your fucking plan and don't worry I'll get her back.' He hit me in the stomach, causing me to bend over to clutch it as he grabbed me again and shoved me against the wall. 'God Dammit! Harry should be the one your beating up not me!' I tried to gulp down the lie I was about to tell, but it was the only way of not getting hurt. 'I'm not even interested in your Amber.' He kneed me in the balls and I fell onto the floor in pain. I gathered up ly strength and grabbed his shirt and pulled myself up to face him and I clutched my left fist and slammed it into hiss face.

Ambers POV

As I walked around inside the Party I asked people if they had seen Louis, they all said no. I went up to a tall brunette and asked her. 'Oh yeah. He went into that room, I think, with Charlie.'

'Thankyou.' I followed her direction into 'that room.' I slowly pulled the door open. I was taken aback by the sight I saw in front of me. Both boys Bloodied and Louis fist going into Charlie's face. 'Stop!' I yelled and stormed to Louis pulling him off Charlie. 'Come on! Grow up! I'm sure you can sort this out without fighting. But now, Louis. Can we go back to your place. I..... Me and Harry we had a disagreement.' He nodded slowly as I dragged him out, causing multiple stares from a number of celebrity's. But I tried my best to ignore them as we got into a taxi. Louis gave the driver his address and we were soon moving, once again. 'So was this disagreement about him liking you?' He asked me. I nodded.

'I just, I don't like him in that way, and with what happened with Charlie. Just no.' He pulled his sleeves down over his fists. 'Let me see Louis.' I said sternly I grabbed his left hand and pushed his shirt sleeve up. I got a tissue from my bag and placed it lightly on the cuts. Occasionally pressing on it. I looked up to his face and grimaced at the amount of cuts. 'Come here' I huffed. He shuffled closer to me and I took the tissue from his knuckle and onto his face, trying to clear off the blood which was obviously a mix of his and Charlie's.

There you go! I'm sorry its kinda short. I have loads more to write but, I am about to go into my speech and drama lesson. The next update should be pretty soon. I hope you like it! Any more ideas? Thoughts? Agree or disagree? Love you lots. Please Vote and Share and comment. Love you xoxooxoxox

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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