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(I have skipped some day because it would be boring. Its officially the night before the premrie!)


I laid my dress out on the chair, and placed the shoes underneath. Perfect. But there was one thing bothering me, Charlie. Damn him. I went back down stairs and sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. I swiveled around on the chair until it was suddenly stopped, along with my thoughts. 'Boo!' Harry whispered.

'Aaah.' I sarcastically said. He rolled his eyes. 'What for dinner?' I asked him as he walked around the breakfast bar to face me. 'I dunno? you check, you the girl.'

'rude.' I got up and slapped him on the arm. 'Ow.' he said sarcastically. I pulled open drawers, in search of something edible for dinner. After five minutes of searching I had successfully found, spaghetti, carbonara sauce, and peas. I put the pasta and the peas on the hob and the sauce in the microwave.


I went up to my room whilst she was searching for food. I opened a drawer and pulled out a book. This is the book I write my feelings in. No one knows about this. Just me. No one has found it. I took it to X factor I take it on tour. I sat at my desk, opened the book, grabbed a Biro and the writing started to pour out of my mind, through my arm and then into the pen and onto the page.

I must've been gone a while because after what felt like 30 seconds Amber called me back for dinner. '1 sec.' I called. I flicked through what I had written, 1, 2, 3, 4,5 pages. And I still wasn't finished. The reason I wrote in this book was because it got a lot off my chest, and I need to seem happy around everyone, even the boys, and I can't do that with worries in my head. I just write them down. 'Are you coming or not Harry!' Amber called up again. 'Yep. I coming.' I ran down the stairs to meet her at the bottom of them. When I was next to her she rolled her eyes. 'Come on the Mr Styles, Now take it as slow as you want because of ya back.' She mimicked a nurse talking to an old man, and I was that man. She put her hand on my back. 'Race ya!' I shouted and started sprinting to the kitchen. I sat down at the table waiting for the food. Amber walked in a few seconds after me. 'What a miraculous recovery Mr Styles.' I stuck my tongue out at her as she grabbed the plates of food from the side and placed one in front of me and one opposite me. She grabbed some cutlery and handed some to me and sat down.

During the dinner I couldn't stop looking at her, her beautiful hair and her eyes. I peeled my eyes away from her face to eat.

Once we had both finished I grabbed the plates and put them by the sink to be washed up later. I checked the time, 7:55. Amber would obviously want to go to bed early, so I suppose that would be in an hour or so. I turned back to her. Her hair hanging in front of her face and her eyes fixed onto her phone. She looked worried and  annoyed at the same time. 'What's wrong Amb?' She did acknowledge me. I heard her mutter 'stupid directioners. Stupid rowebots.' I went over to her and pulled her hair away from her face and glanced at the screen. It was twitter, loads of questions about me, and Rowe. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed her phone and shut it off. She turned to look at me. 'Come on, let's go watch Big Bang.' I pull her up and drag her into the living room. She sits on the sofa, tucking her feet under her and I turn the TV on and put on Big Bang. I sit next to her and place my arm around her, lightly. Ever so lightly.





I stretch out my arms. WhyamIonthesofa? Andwhyisharryclingingontome? I look closer at harry, his hair, his closed eyes. He is completely intertwined with me. I manage to get one arm out of his grip and slowly get the remote and mute the telly. I slowly get my other arm out from harry, he moans slightly but doesn't awaken. I use my arms to slowly remove my feet and then creep out of the room. I walk into the kitchen and check the time, 10:43. Ugh. I make a quick cup of coffee, down it. And go to my room and change into black leggings, a white shirt and black heeled boots. I quickly put foundation and mascara on and grab my handbag and go downstairs again. I find my phone on the kitchen table and I write a note to Harry:

British Kid.~A Charlie Rowe fanficWhere stories live. Discover now