62 - Fearless Flying

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Zayn's POV

I gripped Justin's hand tightly as the plane began moving, mumbling prayers as I kept my eyes squeezed shut. I didn't want to be awake when we took off, but the sleeping pills had yet to take over my state of mind.

"Oh God, Oh God. I'm gonna die." I whispered, squeezing tighter on Justin's hand. I could tell he was fighting the urge to laugh, or was silently laughing because I could feel thr bastard shaking his shoulders and tensing his muscles.

"Its alright Zayn, just breathe." Niall whispered over to me.

I swallowed, attempting to keep my nerves as calm as possible - that is until the plane went over a bump and I jolted slightly.

"NO, NO FUCK. I WANT OFF, GET ME OUT! THE PLANES GONNA CRASH!" I shouted, attempting to get up but the seatbelt held me in my spot.

"What do you mean crash!? Louis, you promised!" Harry looked to Louis in panic.

"Its not going to crash, just breathe." Perrie sent me a sweet smile.


"We can't, its off the ground-"

"LAND THE DAMN PLANE! LET ME OFF!" Harry yelled, cutting Niall off.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, then stood.

"Calm down, both of you." Louis spoke calmly as he cuddled Harry into his side. I felt myself being tugged down, landing on Niall's lap. He wrapped his arms securely around me, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"Its okay, Zayn." Justin said, pulling my legs onto his laps as he took my shoes off.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to get back up. Niall tightened his hold, pressing kisses into my neck.

"Giving you a nice foot massage." Justin mumbled as he grabbed my socked feet and rubbed them. I clenched my eyes closed, attempting to breathe slowly.

"How about some music?" One of the girls asked, but I'm not yet familiar with their voices to tell whose.

"Oh, what singer do Zayn and Harry both like?" Perrie asked.

"Anything." Louis mumbled for Harry.

"Zayn?" Perrie called. I sighed, biting my bottom lip.

"He likes Miley Cyrus!" Justin answered for me. I furrowed my brows. I'm quite sure Justin ks the one with a facination for Cyrus.

"Okay! I'll hook my iPod up!" Perrie giggled.

"Since when has Zayn liked Miley?" Niall chuckled to Justin.

"Since forever, right Zaynie?" Justin laughed. I couldn't help but smile at that. Such a cheeky bastard. I slowlu felt my body to relax, just as Wrecking Ball began playing. Some of the lyrics don't exactly help the situation. Like 'crashing to the ground', but my body was already reacting to the pills, so dream eventually took over.

Niall's POV

Zayn shortly fell limp in my arms, signaling he was finally asleep. I looked over to Louis and Harry. Harry was snuggled under Louis' arm as he slept as well. It would be a long flight, but I knew they'd sleep through it.

"He's cute when he's afraid." Justin chuckled.

"Don't let him hear you say that, Zayn can turn into cute to Hulk in 0.2 seconds." I joked, running a hand through his black quiff.

"He'd still be incredible Hulk cute." Justin sang-song. I laughed a little, allowing Justin to rest his head on my shoulder.

"Our first vacation." Justin mumbled.

"Technically our second. Remember that road trip?" I smiled.

"It wasn't a road trip, Zayn wanted to check out that university he could go to once school is finished, and the car broke down half way there." Justin glanced up at me.

"So? It was thw first night we all slept in a car-"

"Not if you count the first time we met. I'm sure we slept in that car plenty of times." Justin smirked.

I scoffed, "You are so dirty minded."

"Beats having a clean one. Plus," Justin leant closer to my ear before whispering, "You amd Zayn reak of sex."

My cheeks reddened, "So, we did it on the couch last night again. You weren't there.."

"I don't really care, and its not like anyone else can tel, but I just remember what the smell is like when you rub both yours and Zayn's cologne together. Minty." Justin shrugged.

I chuckled, "Like toothpaste?"

"Better." Justin smiled, kissing my cheek.

Author's Note; Uploaded a chapter earlier than expected I just had a sudden urge to write. I'll still post another two in about ten or so hours. :)

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