Chapter 40

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It was a day later that the five men would wake up in the chamber. Alex made sure that Agatha was pregnant with breeder eggs. He wanted Robert to keep that protective streak to ensure her safety. Hermes was busy dealing with a bouncy daughter with attention issues at her near six-day-old mark. She had the complete mindset and look of a six-year-old, and Dana clearly needed his help to keep her mentally attentive. As much as he wanted to confront the men to examine them, he simply couldn't.

"I'll keep an eye on them for you," Dionysus nodded.

"Remember. Being the asshole is my job!" Hermes muttered. "You can taunt them. I'm the one that needs to piss them off."

"Sure, sure!" was the response given before Hermes had to leave to help his mate. Two cloaked scout drones from the breeders and from Alex were in the room to spy for them. Alex was waiting at the double-paned mirror window to watch calmly. Unlike the last group, he wanted to slaughter this one. He wasn't impressed with any of them.

"The moment any of them say no, I'm not gonna fucking hesitate!" he growled.

"I know, my King and Emperor," Dionysus nodded. "One of them did panic. We found traces of shit in his underwear when Hermanubis had him undressed. He may be the only one that breaks. The other four...well....a bit iffy. I honestly don't know when the last time they bathed was! It was really gross."

"Were they given the wake up drug?"

"Not yet! Ready to wake up the little beauties?"

"May as well. No hidden weapons up their asses?"

"If there were, they wouldn't be here."

"Fine. Wake them," Alex nodded.

"Rhea! Get back here now!" Hermes growled. His daughter had neatly slipped out the door and was running amuck around the station.

"Daddy! No!" she squealed. Then she cried at the firm slap to her bottom for misbehaving. She was clearly testing her limits. Her brown eyes welled up with tears from the punishing spank, and she started to cry. Alex looked over, since they were right behind him, and he calmly walked over to them. Dionysus pursed his lips together, but he didn't intervene.

"Sorry, my King and Emperor. Dana had to take a nap, and I was going to see what I could do about lunch. She's tall enough to reach the door handle now," Hermes sighed.

"It's fine," Alex nodded. "Rhea. Look at me."

"Daddy's mean!" she whimpered. Then she looked at Alex and gasped. She had never really met him before like this. All that she was told was that he was a very dangerous person, and that it was because of him that she had her daddy. She knew that Robert was her grandfather, but Alex was someone that she had to be afraid of.

"If you don't listen to your dad," Alex said calmly. "you will listen to me. You don't want to listen to me. If you don't listen to your mother, then I will make you listen to me. I am much meaner than your mom or dad combined. Eventually, you will become a very powerful person. Not as powerful as me, but very special. If you make me mad, I will take away that power. Do as you're told. Eventually, you will grow up. You will know what you have to do. Until then, you listen to your parents."

"" she trembled. Alex struck a fear in her that she couldn't describe. It was actually an instinct to listen and obey this one. He was the Emperor. His word was law.

"Do we have an understanding?" he said with a small smirk. He was only being nice to her, because she was a Queen. He didn't want her to feel isolated by him. He only had to put her in her place. The tactic worked. "I'm not always mean. I know you want to play and have fun. But, right now, that needs to be done with your dad. Not out here."

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