new chapter + idea

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Hi, babies! I'm writing a new chapter right now and it should be up soon!
Someone gave me this idea (I can't really remember who right now, sorry) and some people actually liked this.
So, some of you might now that I have another book, it's called Touch and it's with Stiles.
And the idea is: I'll create another book with both Cassie and Rosie on it. Like, telling the story but with both of them together. Cassie and Scott. Rosie and Stiles. It would have a great friendship between Cassie and Rosie and it would show Rosie's and Stiles' story before season 2.
But that doesn't means that I'll stop with their individual books. I would continue writing Anchor and Touch. Cassie's story. And Rosie's story.
And it would be another book. With both of them.
I really wanna know what do you guys think of that. Tell me if you like the idea and if you want me to do it.
And make sure to check out the new chapter as soon as I update it! It would be in a hour.
Love you all.

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