"Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been...
My eyes shot open by screams and I quickly ran out of my room, I saw my father holding Stiles' body, trying to wake him up. My brother was screaming and his eyes opened quickly, he was in total panic and my dad was trying to calm him down.
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"Stiles, Stiles, it's okay. Hey, Stiles." I sat in front of him and he looked at me as he stopped screaming. "You're okay. Everything is okay."
"Another bad dream about that damn tree?" Dad asked and he nodded.
"You're okay now." I smiled and he grabbed my hand tightly.
I was placing my books on my bag while I walked towards Stiles room and I yelled when I stumbled over his shoe on the floor and I fell. I heard him chuckled while he shoved his books into the bag and Dad walked into the room, holding my arm and helping me to stand up.
"Thank you, Dad, for not being a total assho—Hmpft!" I groaned when my father placed his hand over my mouth.
"No swearing, Cassidy." He said and Stiles looked at us. "You alright? You ready for school?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Stiles nodded.
Dad and I both glanced at him and Stiles groaned.
"Seriously, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare." Stiles said.
I pointed to the box at Dad's hand. "What's that?"
"That's just, uh, files from the office."
"It says "Sheriff's station, do not remove." I smirked.
"Well, yeah, unless you're the Sheriff." He smiled at me.
"Now get your butts to school, alright?"
I placed my books into my bag, closing it and pulling my jacket, them, pulling the bag over my shoulder and walking towards the door. I frowned when I saw my shadow, my claws were out, but I looked at my hands and they were normal. I shook my head and opened the door just to face Isaac.