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nemeton – chapter fifty seven


Stiles slapped Derek's face again and again. "Derek? Derek, come on!" He yelled, shaking Derek's body and raising up his hand again, it was probably hurting.

"Let me try." I said, rising up my finger and making the electricity run through it.

I moved towards Derek but before I could lay my finger on him, he grabbed my wrist, looking around and noticing that he was in the elevator. Stiles and I moved back before he let go of my wrist and he sat up.

"Where is she?"

"Jennifer? Gone, with Scott's mom." Stiles said.

"She took her?" Derek groaned.

"Yeah. If that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion, okay? So we gotta get you out of here. The police are coming right now, and we gotta get you the hell out of here." Stiles told him.

"Whoa. What about Cora?" Derek asked.

"Isaac and Peter took her." I explained and Derek stood up.

"Okay. I gotta go but you two need to stay here and talk to the cops." He said.

Stiles and I looked at each other and groaned.


We were sitting next to the reception when the police showed up. The FBI was here and Stiles and I both rolled our eyes when we saw a certain agent. Rafael McCall. Great.

He stood in front of us and we looked up to him. "The Stilinski's at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker." He said. "You two think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?"

"If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid." I smirked and he let out a sigh.

"Where's you dad, and why has no one been able to contact him?"

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"Where's you dad, and why has no one been able to contact him?"

"I don't know. We haven't seen him in hours." I said.

"Is he drinking again?" He asked.

Stiles and I sighed, both losing our patience. "What do you mean "again"? He never had to stop." Stiles murmured.

"But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?" He asked again.

"Alright, how about this? Next time I see him, I'll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet. Start with F, end with U." Stiles said and I smirked at the "special agent."


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