mexico– chapter sixty nine
I was with Malia, looking at all the people dancing while the music pounded through my ears. Right now, we're in Mexico, waiting for Stiles and Lydia to get in and talk to Araya, a hunter, because we think she has Derek. He disappeared a few weeks ago and Lydia's banshees abilities told us that he's in Mexico. So the plan is, we have money and we're going to trade with her. She gives us Derek, we give her the money. Simple. Scott is waiting for their signal and Malia, Kira and I are watching for any different movement.
I'm happy that Malia decided to join us and I'm also happy about her relationship with my brother. We're still teaching her how to be like an human and all, but I guess she's doing great. Kira and I got a lot closer, which is really great. Stiles and I are closer than ever after all the Nogitsune situation. Lydia actually got a lot more closer to me after Allison died, they were best friends after all. Scott and I are doing great.
"Something's happening." Kira said.
"I know." Malia said.
"What do we do?" Kira asked as Malia and I continued dancing.
"Blend in!"
Kira looked around and then looked at us with a frown.
Malia chuckled. "Dance with us, dumbass."
"Oh." Kira looked at us.
I was moving my body, dancing and trying to relax, even though this is not actually a great song. Kira started... dancing, I guess¿ She was moving her body in a really awkward way and Malia laughed softly.
I looked around, moving next to Malia. "Help me out here. I'll check around to see if I hear or see anything."
Malia nodded, a smiled at Kira and I started walking away, noticing Malia grabbing Kira by the waist and they started to dance together, getting attention from some guys.
I walked into the bar, taking some money from my pocket and sliding to the bartender, who smirked and gave me a shot of vodka. I drank it quickly, feeling it burning down my throat. I walked around, noticing a guy with a radio and a gun on his waist looking at me. I moved my hips to the beat, passing my him and winking. They can't know what we're doing here.
I found Scott in a hall, he was pretending to be on his phone while he watched one of the guys at the end of the hall, he had a gun too. He smiled when he saw me.
"Everything alright there?"
"Yep." I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.
The guy at the end of the hall was watching us, so Scott shoved his phone into his pocket and pulled an arm around my waist, moving his left hand to my butt and kissing me.
After a while, the girls and I continued dancing when we noticed something weird. Which means that Stiles and Lydia couldn't get an agreement. We were ready to fight, though. And we fought, but when we ran to meet Scott, they used wolfsbane on Malia and Scott. Kira and I can't get affected by it, but they knocked Kira out and three guys placed guns in my head. I saw a woman walking towards Scott, who was coughing on the ground.
"Someone who has been an Alpha only a few months should be more careful when facing a hunter of 40 years." Araya said.
"All we want.... Is Derek." Scott was panting.
"My lobito, you're a long way from home."
I watched as Scott and Malia started to get weaker, Scott glanced at her and Araya smirked.

anchor » scott mccall
Fanfiction"Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been...