"Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been...
I yelled again, realizing I couldn't do it and Meredith looked at me.
"I said use your hands. I didn't say punch the gate."
"Well, it's all a little new to me so, don't hold back on specificity," I said.
I try to pass by the gate and Meredith is helping me to use my abilities.
"Your hands can guide your voice. They can help push it towards the target. Try again." Meredith said.
"How did you learn?" I asked her.
"It doesn't matter. You have to find your own way." She looked at me.
"What if your way works for me too?" I asked again.
"Lydia, find your way."
I groaned. "But none of this is even real. My body's lying in a room down the hall starting at the ceiling."
Meredith let out a scream, pushing her hands towards the gate and my body was thrown against the wall. I groaned, looking at her.
"Did that feel real?" She asked, closing the cell's door.
"What are you doing?"
"You want out? Break the glass." She said.
I stood up, walking towards it. "It's not just glass. It's bullet-resistant polycarbonate."
"So make your voice a bullet. Break the glass." Meredith smirked.
I took two steps back.
And I pathetically failed, all the 30 times I tried.
"Meredith, please. Tell me how you did it." I said, panting.
"You have to find our own way." She said, just like the other times.
"Why can't you tell me yours?"
She looked down. "Because, my way got people hurt. Some days it was quiet for me. Other days, all I could hear was screaming. People dying." She told me.
"What people?" I asked.
"Everyone. Everywhere. I was at Chemistry class when it happened. I had my hands over my ears. The teacher was trying to figure out what was wrong. I took my hands and I started hitting the desk until I couldn't take it anymore and I just screamed." She cried.
"What happened?"
"All of the windows shattered. I saw kids with glass in their arms, in their faces. Some of them had blood apologiset of their ears. They said it was an explosion... Caused by chemicals. But everyone knew it was me." She said, leaning her forehead on the glass. "Find a better way, Lydia. My voice is like a bomb going off. Yours need to be a bullet."
That's when a heard a gun cocking.
"Did you hear that?"
I turned around, there was another cell behind me and Malia was there, she was hiding in fear. I ran towards the glass.
"Malia! Malia!"
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