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mental – chapter fifty

third person p.o.v.


Scott was pulling his jacket, ready to leave and help Derek when Isaac showed up at his door.

"Where are you going?" Isaac asked him.

"Uh, I was gonna go get some food to eat." Scott replied.

" Scott replied

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"Oh, cool. I'll come with you." Isaac smiled.

Scott shrugged. "Nah, dude, it's okay. I'll eat with Cassie." Scott lied again.

"What are you getting?"

"Uh.... Mexican..." Scott mumbled.

"Dude, I love Mexican—"

"Isaac." Scott cut the boy. "I can eat alone, it's okay."

"You're not going alone. Come on." Isaac smirked.


Scott and Isaac jumped out the bike. They were in an abandoned mall where Scott would try to talk with Deucalion. They took off the helmets, walking though the place.

"We're just gonna talk to him, try to reason with him. That's it." Scott said to Isaac, who shrugged. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just that... I'm actually kind of hungry now." Isaac said.

"So am I." Scott whispered.

Deucalion was waiting for them, only him.

"You didn't come alone." He hissed.

"Yeah. This is Isaac," Scott said.

"I'm not talking about Isaac."

Scott looked to his right side and he widened his eyes when Derek walked towards them on his full wolf form. But what really surprised him was his girlfriend walking behind Derek along Boyd and Cora.

"You knew I would do this?" Scott asked Derek. "Derek, don't. You can't do this and no one gets hurt. If someone else dies—"

"Him." Derek pointed at Deucalion. "Just him."


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