Knock Knock

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Inside Cerise's house at the kitchen, everyone was sitting at the rounded table. They were eating a meal, except for Hunter who stepped outside, that Bad-Wolf and Cerise had whipped up.

It was filled with mouth-watering meat that was left over from Bad-Wolf's and Ramona's hunt a few weeks ago.

As they ate, Bad-Wolf and Cerise explained everything. From the affair with the Evil Queen to the secret marriage to Red Riding Hood.

" But I don't get it," Raven said after knowing the secret. " why would you date my mother?"

" She was an addiction that I just couldn't resist at first." Bad-Wolf smiled at Raven. " And I really thought she loved me at that time."

" The thing is," Faybelle asked. "wouldn't she get over it?"

" Oh she did," Bad-Wolf replied. " she only used our relationship as an excuse to cast this curse, but not only this..."

" What is it?" Raven asked.

" There's also the Huntsman and Headmaster Grimm."

Everyone gasped, dead silence filled the atmosphere of the wooden cabin. They couldn't believe what they had just heard.

" Headmaster Grimm?" Apple almost choked on her apple that she was eating.

" Well he did trap her inside in the first place." Faybelle said nonchalantly when she noticed the reason before everyone else.

" Good point." Ramona sighed.

" But hey," Dexter tried to cheer the sad crowd. " we can do this. All we gotta do is find the three gems, use them on the Evil Queen and everything will be back to normal."

" You're right Dex." Raven smiled.

Soon there was a knock on the door.

" Who could that be?" Apple asked.

" Probably Hunter." Ramona laughed. " I probably locked him out by accident."

The part-wolf went towards the door and opened it wide with pride. But as she opened it she didn't see Hunter, she saw someone far different at the footstep. She gasped and slammed the door shut.

" Don't worry," a voice spoke through the door. " I'm here to help you."

" How do I know you're not trouble?" Ramona said.

" Who was that?" Faybelle asked as everyone went to see what was going on.

" The Dark Fairy." Ramona gasped.

" My mom?!" Faybelle exclaimed. "What's she doing here?"

Faybelle opened the door and found exactly her mom at the front step.

" Hello darling." Theodora said sweetly.

" Mom?!" Faybelle gasped. " What are you doing here?"

" I'm going to help you guys."

" Why?" Faybelle raised her right eyebrow in distrust.

" I released the Evil Queen from her mirror-prison and I learned my lesson." Theodora spoke. " I want to help."

" Why did you release her?" Raven asked with crossed arms.

" I thought she had changed, but I was fooled."

" We were all fooled." Bad-Wolf admitted.

" But I'm going to help you all." Theodora said. " And I know where the first gem of the cure is."

Suddenly, there was another knock on the door. Ramona smirked.

" And that's probably Hunter." Ramona grinned. " Knocking on the door for someone to open."

" Why do you love messing around with that boy?" Bad-Wolf chuckled hoarsely as he asked his daughter.

" Be careful." Cerise played along as Ramona opened the door to find Hunter tapping his foot impatiently and having his arms crossed.

" Why Ramona? Why?" Hunter asked.

" Intruders." Ramona smiled.

" Well, I think we should go to bed," Cerise said looking over Hunter's shoulder and staring out into the night sky. " It's already nighttime."

" I'll show you guys to your rooms." Ramona said leading everyone to their rooms.

   " Looks like you did it." Hunter smiled to Cerise as they strolled across the hallway. " Didn't even need my help."

   " Thanks, but it's not over yet."

" But it will....soon."

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