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On the west side of the Enchanted Forest, Ramona, Cerise, and Hunter walked along a meandering path. It was still dark and no one could see anything since it was before dawn. They each held onto a lantern that glowed light that used to be from the campfire from before.

   " I hope that this is the way." Cerise said gripping tight onto her lantern. "And I hope that someone finds it quick."

   " Yeah, even with our wolf eyesight we still can't see a thing." Ramona replied.

   " I never been in this part of the Enchanted Forest in my whole life." Hunter said. " Didn't even know it existed."

    " Not even when you were secretly dating Ashlynn?" Cerise gave a small laugh. Soon Ramona joined.

   " No, but it would have been useful." Hunter rolled his eyes when he spotted the two girls snickering.

    Soon they heard a twig snap. As soon as they heard the noise they got in their defenses.

   " What was that?!" Hunter asked dropping his bag, reaching in for a pocket knife, and holding it out as a weapon. Ramona's eyes glowed orange as Cerise's glowed.

   " That....was me...." a voice spooked.

   " Show yourself!" Hunter growled as he gripped harder into his knife and clenched his empty hand. The person came out of the bushes.

He had slick-black hair and light emerald green eyes along with a light tannish skin. He had a wide smirk plastered on his face, but it looked like he tried to make it friendlier.

" Why hello there..." the man said.

" What do you want?" Cerise growled.

" I heard about your little dilemma...and I want to help..." the man replied.

" Why?" Ramona stepped forward face-to-face with the man.

" I know what you're looking for. It's the gem of the Enchanted Forest so you can prevent the curse from reaching Ever After." the man smiled. " I know where it is."

" How do we know we can trust you?" Hunter raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

   " Cause I'm just a simple commoner. Right from the outskirts of the Huntsman's Woods." the man answered. " Do you not trust a person from your own homeland?"

    " How do you know who I am and where I live?" Hunter asked feeling a bit uncomfortable.

    " I know your father....a very good friend of mine."

    " You mean: was a good friend of yours." Hunter crossed his arms. He wasn't going to get fooled easily, not now.

    " We don't have time for this chit chat. We need to find that gem. Where is it?" Ramona asked the man.

   " Just follow me..." the man grinned.

Cerise, Ramona, Hunter, and the man walked for a while when they reached a small tree. At the roots of the tree behind everyone else, the man tossed a rock that turned into the jewel they were all looking for.

" That should do the trick." the man thought to himself.

" Everyone," the man said grabbing everyone's attention. " I found your heart's desire."

They turned around to find the fake gem. It was orange and pink as the sunset and it glowed like the nighttime moon.

" The gem..." Cerise gasped as she reached over to grab it for a closer look. The only thing that she didn't notice was that the man, who was behind her, tried to grab her. In fact, no one noticed.

Without anyone looking, the man silently and forcefully slammed his hand upon Cerise mouth and pulled down a rope nearby him with brought down a net in which captured Cerise. Cerise screamed for help and Ramona along with Hunter tried to push the man away.

Ramona bit the man in the arm while Hunter punched him in the lower jawline as a distraction. But the man shot out magic from his hand at the two causing them to be knocked out.

The man swiped the captured wolf-girl and ran as fast as he could to the Evil Queen's lair.

" We have to warn the others." Ramona said as she wimped from an injury on her leg. Hunter nodded as he took out his phone.


    " Good job." Cora smiled as Rakish entered with Cerise inside the net.  " At least you got something done you goblin."

    " I'm a troll your majesty." Rakish bowed as Cerise sneered inside the net.

   " Whatever, drop her here." Cora demanded.

   Rakish dropped her as Cerise struggled to escape the net. Cora chuckled as she used magic to lift it up and away.

   " Cerise, Cerise Hood." Cora walked over to her as Cerise started to back away. " Daughter of the Little Red Riding Hood....well....and the Big Bad Wolf."

    " You're not going to hurt them! Not on my watch!" Cerise growled.

     " Oh I'm not going to hurt them. I just need some information." Cora smiled sweetly.

     " Like I'm giving you any information. I'm not going to betray anyone, especially my friends!" Cerise replied clenching her hands.

    " Dearie, if you won't tell me then I have no choice....but to persuade you." Cora said as she went over to her mirror. An image of Raven and Apple showed up, then it faded to an image of
Ramona and Hunter, then to Faybelle and Theodora.

    " Why do you want me?! Why do you want information from me?!" Cerise yelled.

   " Because you have a weakness." Cora looked back at her. " And that's family." 

   " No..." Cerise widened her eyes. "You wouldn't dare..."

    " But I will...." Cora smiled. " I'll have to tell everyone back at Ever After your family's secret."

    " Oh no you won't!" Cerise bellowed.

    " Then you'll have to tell me Cerise. Tell me where I can find my daughter." Cora smirked as Cerise sighed. " And you better tell the truth."

    " You'll find them at the north of the Enchanted Forest." Cerise lowered her head in shame.

    " Good girl." Cora said as she walked away from the room. " I knew that you could do it."

    " Rakish." Cora called out. " Throw her in the cell."

    " Yes your majesty."

Hey everybody! Here's the chapter. I hope that liked this chapter. What's your favorite part in this book? See you soon in the next chapter. See ya!

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