Isabella's First Night

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Lovino begrudgingly headed upstairs, as that beautiful and defiant maiden refused to leave his memory. Could he really get her to fall in love with him? Was he even able to win her love in return?  

"Fratello?" A meek and almost frightened voice said behind him. Lovino turned a growled at his disembodied brother.

Feliciano squeaked in fright as Lovino bared his sharp teeth. "WHAT?!"

Feliciano squealed and Lovino could feel the last bits of his patience wearing off. "Ve! I was just going to say, that since the piuttosto bella is going to be staying here for a while, maybe we should give her a different room," Feliciano said to which Lovino proceeded to snort in  his brother's face. "YOU KNOW MAYBE NOT!" Feliciano cried before running off to find Athene.

Lovino grunted and muttered, "Perfect child." He continued up the stairs where he heard the cries of the trespasser's sister. He almost felt a tiny twinge at his ice-cold heart but quickly brushed it off, as he grabbed the keys and unlocked the large iron and wood door where the beautiful maid was on her knees crying.

The maiden looked up with anger burning in her bright emeralds, and Lovino couldn't help but shift slightly under her gaze. "I hope your happy now! You wouldn't even let me say good-bye to the only family I have left! " she cried tears falling from eyes. "I'll never see mi hermano again!"

Lovino looked down, but handled himself, "Just follow me, ragazza, I' you to your room."

The maiden's eyes shifted to that of confusion, and said, "My room? I-I thought..."

"Do you want to rot in the fucking dungeon?" Lovino growled, before silencing himself. I'm an idiot! Lovino thought to himself.

"N-no," Isabella said as she wiped her eyes.

Lovino then started to walk out, "Then follow me."


Isabella cried as she followed the Beast through the eerie unkempt castle as she hugged her ruby red cloak closer to her body, as she looked at the frightening corridor.

"Er...What's your name?" The Beast asked her. Isabella gave a slight glare towards the creature that took her freedom.

"Isabella," she angrily said, that seemed to shake the Beast slightly.

"My name's Lovino," The Beast responded.

Isabella sighed. Wait, the Beast had a human name? That's...odd. Isabella looked around the castle. It might've been beautiful once, with its Roman-style columns, authentic renaissance carvings, and paintings, the architecture was properly inspired by France before the revolution, but now it was run-down as if no one had cared for it in years.

"Are you even listening?" Lovino growled at her. She quickly looked up to see the Beast pouting, trying to look menacing but failing.

"Sorry, I was just admiring the architecture. What were you saying?" Isabella responded angrily.

Lovino rolled his eyes, and repeated, "You can go anywhere in the palace, besides the South Wing."

Isabella's curiosity peaked and asked, "What's in the South Wing?"

"IT's FORBIDDEN!" Lovino cried so loudly that some of the chandeliers began to quake. Isabella nodded, as they made their way through the winding corridors until they came across a room with an elegant carnation carved into the front like the ones her aunt Catalina used to plant in her garden.

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