Days in the Sun

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"OWW! THAT HURTS LIKE HELL!" Lovino screamed as Isabella tended to his wounds.

Isabella, almost at her wits end, cried back, "It wouldn't hurt as much if you just hold still."

"This wouldn't have even happened if you hadn't ran away," Lovino shot back.

"I wouldn't have run away if you hadn't frightened me," Isabella replied, holding up her bandaged her arm.

"Well you shouldn't have been snooping around in here in the first place," Lovino whined, referring to his bedroom.

"Well you should learn to control your temper," Isabella snapped, and Lovino (after giving her glare) turned his back to her, and she continued to clean his wound. Isabella noticed him shudder a little, but sighed and said, " Get some rest."

"Grazie for saving our fratello," Marcello thanked.

"We are eternally grateful," Feliciano added.

Isabella looked over at the spirits, and asked, "Why do you care so much for him?" Isabella couldn't understand how Lovino's family and servants still cared for him, because from as long as she's been there, all Lovino's done is yell and berate them. How could someone still care about a person after all that?

"We're his family, and we love him," Athene answered.

"He's cursed you somehow," Isabella told them, having come to that conclusion long ago. "But, why? You did nothing.

Isabella heard Athene sigh and then say, "You are quite right about that. You see when we were young, my half-sister died and he was forgotten by his father who would rather hunt in the forest than deal with his and his sons' grief and his grandfather seemed to just ignore him afterwards. When he needed us the most, we did nothing." The former between the two gave  Lovino a sad look. She always had lots of love in her family that she never really thought what it would be like to be forgotten or ignored within your own family. The very thought saddened the Spaniard to no end.

"Let's let him sleep," Feliciano said as he gave one last, apologetic look to his brother. Isabella gave one last glance to the sad beast before following the spirits.


Lovino was asleep, dreaming about the day his mother died and gave a small cry.

Chibi! Lovino:
Days in the sun
When my life has barely begun
Not until my whole life is done
Will I ever leave you

Meanwhile the rest of the household were alone in the castle, grieving what they had lost due to the curse that trapped them there.

Will I see my home once again
My country's gorgeous plains?

Will I now forever remain
With never a love for me?

All those days in the sun
What I'd give to relive just one
Undo what's done
And bring back the light

Oh, I could tell
Of the pain these dark days bring
The spell we're under
Still, it's the wonder  I can still speak tonight

How in the midst of all this sorrow
Can so much hope and love endure
I was innocent and certain
Now I'm wiser but unsure

Feliciano and Isabella:
(Days in the past) I can't go back into my childhood
(All those precious days) One that my family made secure
(Couldn't last) I can feel a change in me
(Oh, hold me closer!) I'm stronger now, but still not free

ALL EXCEPT Isabella and Lovino:
Days in the sun will return
We must believe as lovers do
That days in the sun
Will come shining through

Isabella had just finished giving Lovino his medicine, when she noticed the mysterious carnation still standing alone in its glass case as a petal fell from its stem. Why did Lovino throw a tantrum when she looked at the rose? Did it have something to do with this curse?

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