Be Our Guest!

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Arthur had long since headed to the kitchen, because in his words, "Everyone was too incompetent to get anything done properly," and Francis had left to search for some shadows to flirt with, when the door to Isabella's bedroom opened and the Spaniard emerged. Quietly, she tiptoed down the hall out of fear that she would caught by one of the voices, but Francis who had returned caught her.

"Sacre Bleu," he whispered, as he followed her down to the kitchen.


"A culinary masterpiece just gone to waste," the disembodied chef yelled as Feliciano  and Athene helped the staff cleaned up.

"It's her first night and after she's been taken from everything she ever known. We have to give her time to adjust," Athene reminded the chef as she some plates on the counter.

"We don't have time, Theeny. The carnation has already begun to wilt," Feliciano cried.

"I under-" Athene began.

"You know I think she is just being stubborn!" Arthur complained. "That was the first time he ever said please."

"Arthur," Athene threatened in her monotone.

"Can you blame me? Why are we being punished because His Majesty was a bastard to Lovino?" Arthur continued.

"You know why Arthur," Athene continued, only to here Arthur give a small sigh. "But Lovino does need to control that temper or we will never be human again."

Suddenly, the oak wood door opened slightly to reveal Isabella which sent Feliciano, Arthur, and the rest of the servants into a panic and Athene just a little curious, before another wisp entered the room.

"Err...Nice to see you out and about, perdere," Feliciano said quickly.

"I'm Arthur Kirkland. Head of the household," Arthur said to Isabella before he was pushed out of the way and heavily French accent followed.

"Bonsoir, mademoiselle," Francis said, as he grabbed her knuckles and gave a small kiss to them.

"And this insufferable frog is Francis. If there is anything that could be done to make your stay more comfortable, please, feel free to ask."

"I guess, I am a bit hungry," Isabella replied in a sweet tone.

"Except that," Arthur muttered.

"You are!" Feliciano happily cried. "You heard her. Start stoking the fire. Bring out the silverware."

"Remember what your brother said," Arthur quickly said.

Athene rolled her eyes, "Well we can't let the poor girl starve to death."

"Alright fine. Crust of bread and plain water," Arthur began.

Francis pushed him and said, "I am surprised at you. She is not our prisoner. She is our guest. Right this way, mademoiselle." Francis then grabbed Isabella's hand and led her out into the vast dining with gilded chairs from France, a mile-long oak table, and covered by an elegant red, white, and green table cloth. 

"Ma chère mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair as, it is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure for the dining staff to present you with your dinner."


Be our guest! Be our guest!

Put our service to the test

Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie

And we'll provide the rest

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