And They Lived...

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"You really love him?" Isabella heard as an ice-cold hand touched her shoulder that froze her to the bone. Quicker than a flash, Isabella looked up to see a young woman, maybe 18 or 19, with snow-white skin, long platinum blonde hair that fell around her lower back, and the deepest blue eyes. 

"Si! I would do anything if he would just wake up," Isabella sobbed as held Lovi's head to her chest.

"Even marry him marry him as a beast," the woman said in a chilly monotone.

Isabella nodded. "I love him."

The woman looked downwards, her eyes clouded as if remembering some distant memory before looking back at the weeping woman and the dead creature. Taking a deep breath, she raised one of her hands and snapped.  Suddenly, the carnation's petals reversed back onto the flower before surrounding Lovino in a beautiful array of gold, red, and white which caused Isabella to take a step back, shocked by what she's whispering but also out of fear of what was happening to her Lovi. The cloud of carnation petals and gold continued to surround Lovino until they began to settle before letting him fall to the ground. 

Isabella then ran to her lover and threw off his cloak to see if he was alive, but instead of the scaly and furry of her beloved Beast, there was a man's head with olive skin and dark brown hair with a curl. Isabella was confused until she remembered what Feliciano and the others said about them being cursed. Is this what Lovino really looked like? Isabella reached out to touch his smooth looking tanned skin when his eyes suddenly popped open and stared up at Isabella. 

"T-tomato head?" he stutters, still a bit in pain from essentially dying.

"Lovi?" Isabella asks before hugging him. "I thought you were dead!"

"Honestly, me too," Lovino replies. Isabella laughs and in a moment of happiness grabs Lovino's shirt and gives him the most passionate and love-filled of all passionate and love-filled kisses then on this Earth and probably now and foreve which the prince happily reciprocated as he grabbed her waist, effectively allowing them to fully embrace each other. As they embraced each other, fireworks lit up around them as the castle began to glow brightly in white light that looked the stars that shone in the sky. As the beautiful light passed over the castle, instead of the decaying stone there was marble walls that sparkled and shown with gold leaves that decorate the outside, statues that were once disturbing gargoyles that are now statues of angels and saints, spirits that were lost to the air now in human flesh and blood, lost memories now returning, and the painting of Lovino's family was now restored to its former glory while his bedroom began to repair itself on its own. As for our protagonists, they barely noticed as they were too lost in each other and their love. 

"You did it," Lovino whispered as he kissed Isabella once again who was happy to reciprocate. However, Isabella felt they were forgetting something. What was it? It was important. As she tried to process what she was missing she heard a loud a slamming come from the other side of the door to see many human beings who proceeded to run in. The first was a man who looked very similar to Lovino and the boy in the picture with his reddish brown hair and hazel eyes and curl. On his body, he wore a bright green vest and a white button-up with brown pants and shoes and a blue tie.

"You saved our lives, perdere," he cried, giving Isabella the biggest bear hug.

"Feliciano?" was the only thing Isabella could utter as she patted him on the back. He nodded before squeezing her again. 

"I told you the mademoiselle would be the one," a French accent resounded. Isabella turned to see a Frenchman with shoulder length blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail and blue eyes with his body being impeccably dressed by a black tailcoat and pants with a blue vest and black boots who winked when he noticed her staring. 

"And never said you were wrong frog," an English accent responded. She turned to see a man with short and messy blonde hair and field-green eyes who wore a similar uniform to the Frenchman except for his vest being a dark green.

"Francis? Arthur?" 

"Oui." and "Yes," they both said at the same time. 

"We're truly in your debt, miss," a sleepy, female voice said and when she looked over she saw a tired but smiling woman with tanned skin, messy brunette locks, and sea-green eyes who wore a long ocean blue dress with a black vest. 

Feliciano let her down just as two other people ran up to hug her. She looked over to see a teenager with a similar hair color to Feliciano but with sea-green eyes, a crinkled curl, and tan skin. He wore a blue jacket and black pants with a turquoise vest with embroidery of flowers.  The other was an older girl with short blonde hair that shone like the sun, pale skin, and nature-green eyes.

"Wait, Emma? Marcello?" Isabella said and hugged them tighter. 

"You saved us. All of us," Marcello said.

Isabella smiled and ruffled Marcello's hair. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, niño."

"Thank you. Thank you so much," Emma said with tears in her eyes. Isabella smiled back before going over to Lovino who was puffing out his cheeks in anger which caused Isabella to giggle and she kissed him on the cheek which caused him to blush a deep shade of blood red making him look like a tomato which Isabella happily pointed out which just led him to grow redder until he was practically crimson.

"S-so what now?" Lovino asks.

"I have an idea," Isabella winks


In a week, a beautiful fiesta was held at the castle for all the servants and people of the village including Alvarez who was happy to attend as long as the prince doesn't attempt to lock him in the tower. Lovino had rolled his eyes at this but Isabella couldn't help but laugh at this. At the ball, people were dancing and laughing, eating and drinking as they celebrated the reformed of the eldest prince who was now a much happier and nicer person who actually enjoyed mingling with the attendants and even laughing at some of the jokes at his expense with his favorite being when Isabella joked, "That you should grow a beard," and even growling a bit. The ones most relieved at his were Lovino's family who watched with glee.


Tale as old as timeTune as old as songBittersweet and strangeFinding you can changeLearning you were wrong


Winter to springFamine to feastNature the wayNothing left to sayBeauty and the BeastCertain as the sunRising in the eastTale as old as timeSong as old as rhymeBeauty and the Beast


Tale as old as timeSong as old as rhymeBeauty and the Beast

And if you're wondering if Isabella and Lovino lived happily? Well, I'm happy to say that la bella y la bestia both lived happily ever after. The End.

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