Taye ; Good Friend

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I stood there looking outside the window of my apartment. Man, what a life.  Here I am 24 and married to the love of my life, Kevin, and just being happy to the marriage Life. But lately me and Kevin have been trying so hard to get pregnant but never been successful. I worried alot. But it's really hard not to show  it. Just then Kevin broke into my thoughts.

"Hey babe," He said.

"Hi Honey," I said.

"What's wrong," He asked.

"Nothing, just thinking," I told him.

"Thinking about what?" He asked.

"Me. I want to go check to see if theres anything wrong with me. I mean, we've been trying for several months Kevin. I just don't want my hopes up," I said.

"Well, all we have to do is wait and leave it in God's hands. If  he doesn't want us to have a baby then it's for a reason so in the meantime please babe just relax. Let time take its course. I hate it when you think only negative things. Think positive and good things will happen for us. Just pray and leave everything in God's hand. Nothing will change. I will always love you no matter what," He said, then kissed me on my lips.

I love my man and I thank God that he sent him to me. Only he can heal my broken heart with his words.

He was mine and I was his.

We were later interrupted with a knock on the door.

I got off Kevin lap and walked to the door.

"Who is it," I yelled.

"It's me girl, Daria," She said.

"Oh hey girl," I said while opening the door.

We hugged and made our way to the kitchen.

"You always making your way to my kitchen when you come up here girl. Who told you I had food," I said laughing.

"I don't think you have food. I know you have food," She said.

"Hey what it do," Said Kevin, greeting Daria.

"Hey Kevin. You look like you just ate. So I know y'all got food up in here," said Daria.

"So what brings you by," I asked her.

"I came to see my bestfriend and talk to her so Kevin this will be the perfect time to leave your wife with me," She said while fixing herself a sandwich.

"You ain't got to tell me twice," He said, while getting up to leave.

"Well, what you want to talk about," I asked her.

"Marvyn and Camitz," She said.

"What? They together or something?" I asked.

"Hell no, and even if she tried to take this one I'll beat that hoe ass," She told me.

"Okay so what's going on then," I asked her.

"Okay so you know Marvyn turning 18 next week. And I want to do something special for him. But I have no idea of what to do. Do you have any ideas," She asked me while biting into her sandwich.

"Well you can take him out to a club," I said.

"Damn, I never really thought about that. I mean he is going to be 18 so now he can go to the clubs with me," She said.

"Yeah and hopefully you can start liking him instead of using and cheating on him,' I told her.

"Look here lady, for your information I do like him its just that he seems to have way stronger feelings for me than I have for him. And I'm not using him you can say he's using me because I give him money and take care of him and the cheating well no comment. What he doesn't know won't kill him," She said.

"Whatever , anyways what about Camitz? What you have against her," I asked her.

"You know I can't stand that hoe. And I was on twitter and this bitch talking about oh she got a new nigga better than her last," She told me.

"Okay and? Why you up in her ass Daria. It's clear that this girl ain't paying no attention to you why you paying attention to her? If she got a nigga every other week thats her business not yours," I told her.

"Girl I have every right to be in that bitch business. She was all up in mines when she stole my man. That bitch had no right Taye, no right. and the fact that she thinks she the shit ticks me off even more. Matter of fact let the twitter war begin," She said finishing her sandwich and going into her bag and grabbing her phone.

"Crazy bitches always have new niggas everyday eating her out. And if that ain't a #hoe then I don't know what is," She typed and press send on her phone.

"Daria I hope you know what  you got yourself into," I told her.

"I do. And if that bitch wants to bump she know where to find me," She said.

"Daria, never mind. Hopefully i won't be there when that happens," I said.

"Hopefully you do. So next week we going to Marvyn birthday party at the club right?" She asked me.

"Yea girl," I said.

"Well, bye I'm going to the gym. Gotta keep this body on point," She asked while heading towards the door.

"Bye Kevin," She yelled and left.

"What y'all was talking about ," Kevin asked.

"You don't want to know," I said.

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