Chapter 2: I'm (Not) Quirkless

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(Midoriya's POV)

10 months ago, one day changed my life forever.  It was after class and once again I was being bullied by Bakugou, who has been my best friend since pre-school.

    "You can never go to U.A. High. You're a quirkless loser, Deku!"

He snatched my note book and exploded it with his hands. Then threw the burnt book out of the window it landing directly in the Koi pond behind the school. Him and the other two losers laughed and walked off. I ran over to the window sill and looked down at the small pond. The fish now starting to nibble on it. I sigh, but then spot a small wooden rose appear on the window sill below me. I pick it up and the turn around to see a boy with silver hair run past the door way down the hall.

    "Hey wait!"

I have always seen this boy lurking in the shadows. A flash of silver behind the trees, in the halls. When I turned into the hall, though he was gone. I sighed in disappointment. I had always wondered why he seemed to hover around me. I went on my way anyways though, I went down to the Koi pond and grabbed the book out of the fishes' clutches. My work literally washed down the drain.  In that moment, I thought of that flash of silver as I twirled the rose on my way home.

~Time Skip~

It had been 10 months since I encountered that slime villain which scored me the best opportunity to train to get a quirk with All-might. The day of the finals he had me eat his......HAIR! Of all the things.  I was on my way to where the finals would be held. I was in the entry way to the Auditorium, when I saw it. The same flash of silver. I thought to myself,

    -It could be –

I ran after him,


I could see him start to turn around as I trip. Almost falling to the ground, my eyes shut tightly as I expected a hard surface to impact against my face. I didn't though, I opened my eyes and I was floating. Then a girl with short light brown hair pulled me back up.

    "Oh, thank you."

I said a bit shy,

    "Yeah, try not to be so clumsy next time."

She then ran off to the Auditorium. I had lost the sight of that boy.... again. I sighed with disappointment and walked into the Auditorium to get orientation. I walked in a sat down to the only seat available next to Bakugou.

    "What are you doing here Deku!"

He hissed. I cowered a bit,

    "Um I'm here to take the examination."

He scoffed,

    "Well whatever. Did you hear that a kid from our class got recommended to here,"?

I looked at him curiously when he clenched his fist,

    "But he's still gonna take the test anyways, dumbass."

I looked forward at the announcer wondering who it could be,

    "Did you get his name?"

    "No, no one really knows his name. I guess he was an outcast never had any friends."

I twiddled my thumbs. I knew what that felt like to be an outcast, but I still had friends. It must have been horrible. It was now time to go to the battle arenas. Bakugou had arena A and I had B. That was a major relief, I didn't have to deal with his antics. I got to the waiting area in front of the arena gates, when I saw a flash of silver hair. I thought finally, I rushed after him. Pushing through the crowd of other heroes. I then tapped him on the shoulder and he instantly flinched. He then slowly turned around. He wasn't much taller than me. He had silver hair, almost like pure mercury. His eyes were big blue orbs, behind black framed glasses. His skin was very clear, no freckles or anything like that. His eyes got huge and then he started pushing frantically through the crowd.

    "Hey wait!"

I started to following him.

    "N-No, please."

He had a stutter. That's interesting.

    "Come on! Stop!"

He didn't respond and then a blaring sound started, as the gates to the arena opened and he escaped into the test.

Just a Flash of Silver(Midoriya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now