Chapter 7: The Beginning of...Something

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(Kanashi's POV)

To be facing THEM, in our first round was completely terrifying for me, but I had a plan. The test we did earlier, if you were smart enough, you would take a note of everyone's quirk and personality. Midoriya and I were in front of the building that we would be using for the simulation, while the villains, Bakugou and Iida were setting up.

    "I have a plan."

I whispered,


    "Well Bakugou is hot tempered and obviously has something against you, so he will most likely go after you. Iida will probably stay by the weapon, while Bakugou comes after us. My quirk is probably best against Iida and hate to do this, but you'll have to stall Bakugou for me. Oh, and without using your quirk."

He looked at me completely shocked and then he nodded.

    "Sure, stall and no quirk."

He seemed to trust me in all honesty this plan had a 50% chance of working, who knows what they will have up their sleeve. Everyone else had gone into the observation room to watch on cameras and such.  The timer then started as Midoriya and I snuck into the building. I could've easily gotten us to the 5th floor, but the object wasn't to destroy the building. I was leading and then I peeked around a corner to see a flash of blonde hair as Bakugou turned the corner. I silently signaled to Midoriya that he was there, and he pulled out his tape. I then dashed past the place that Bakugou had turned into and he obviously had heard me, but I touched the wall behind me making look like it was just another wall. I then trusted Midoriya to stall him, while I got the weapon. After a few minutes of wandering around the floors of the building, hearing distant explosions. I just hoped that Midoriya was okay. I blushed a bit at the thought of him, I didn't really know why, but I just did. I then spotted a doorway where light flooded into the dark hallway. I heard indistinct arguing, I'm guessing between Iida and Bakugou, I wouldn't say they were the best if partners. One hot headed and one calm and collected. I peeked into the doorway wear Iida was standing by a giant fake silver bomb. I scoffed quietly, this would be a piece of cake for me. Mainly, because he needed friction to move and my quirk could easily eliminate that. I touched my ear piece and then asked Midoriya quietly,

    "How you doing?"

When he talked, I could hear explosions?

    "Fine, but it might do us some good if you hurried."

I took his advice and rolled into the room. I touched the floor making it flimsy. I kept the ground under me still the same. Iida was caught off guard and was casually sinking through. I sighed with relief and then I re-solidify the ground Iida's legs getting trapped into the floor. This was surprisingly easy. I walked up to the weapon and touched it. The game was over, but I could still hear explosions from a different story. My eyes widened as I realized that Bakugou wasn't stopping. I ran out of the weapon room and towards the, explosions which were getting louder. I was just hoping that Midoriya wasn't hurt, I guess I had always had this inner voice that wanted to protect others, but I was always afraid to do it. Tears started to form at the edges of my eyes, even though this was a simulation. It felt completely real. I was approaching the hallway they were at when I heard Bakugou,

    "I've been storing up my Nitroglycerin Sweat in this grenade cuffs. Let's see what they could do."

I heard a pin pulled as I jump in front of the oncoming explosion, the world seemed to stop in that moment. I was then propelled backwards stopping the explosion from hitting Midoriya. I was satisfied.

(Midoriya's POV)

When a black blur jumped in front of me the event seemed to go in slow motion. I had then realized that Kanashi had jumped into the blast to When everything came back to normal speed Kanashi was sprawled out on the concrete floor a few feet in front of me. Bakugou had stopped looking at what he had done, his eyes wide with fear. I crawled over to Kanashi, whose hero disguise was in tatters. The visor was cracked and gone in some areas. I pulled him on to my lap, tears started to form at the corners of my eyes. I didn't really know why I was crying, but I just did. I took off the remaining glass of the visor and the hood. A small stream of blood dripped from his mouth,

    "Kanashi, "I shook him a bit my voice shaky "Come on."

He then opened his eyes weakly,

    "H-Hey. okay."

I chuckled a bit while tears started to stream down my face.

    "Yep, Recovery Girl is on her way. You're gonna be fine okay."

He nodded, a weak smile spread against his face. He then moved closer to me and then nuzzled close.

    "Can...I just."

He then fell asleep, resting. I was surprised by two things, one how he was okay from that amount of a blast and two how he can sleep through this calamity and chaos. I chuckled and moved a bit hair from his forehead. Recovery Girl arrived shortly after and healed Kanashi, he would have to sleep in the Infirmary until it was time to go for the day. Afterwards we did an analysis of the battle. We were thinking over who was the M.V.P. of the match and it was either Kanashi or Iida. Kanashi, because he showed concern and protection over his teammate and Iida for his ability to stick to the actual objective. The rest of the class went on everyone else going through the simulation, the heroes winning most of the time. The whole time though, for some reason, I was worried about Kanashi. I knew he was gonna be fine, but for some reason I couldn't help it, I was assuming the worst. After class I decided to immediately go check on Kanashi. When I arrive at the infirmary and to my surprise someone was already there. What was surprising was it was...BAKUGOU! I thought he was gonna hurt him some more so I ran and tackled Bakugou to the floor. 


He pushed me off. I stood up ready to try to fight him. He stood up as well and looked over at the sleeping Kanashi.

    "I came to say sorry to him, for your information."

A surprised look spread across my face.


I looked at Kanashi, his silver hair glinting in the setting sun. Bakugou then grabbed his bag that was thrown onto the ground while I tackled him. He then walked outside,

    "Deku, some advice, tell him while you can."

I looked at him confused,

    "Tell him what?"

    "That you love him."

I blushed an insane red,

    "N-No it's n-not that..."

    "It's obvious Deku! Just do it while you can."

Bakugou then walked off and I turned around to look at the sleeping Kanashi. Did I love him? I pulled a chair over to the bed he was sleeping on and sat down. He did look cute, for a boy I mean. He then started to shuffle a bit in his sleep his eyes eventually opening. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and yawned.

    "Where am I?"

    "Just in the infirmary."

I could tell he was a bit surprised by the suddenness of my voice.

    "Oh, hello Izuku."

I blushed just a tiny bit by him calling me Izuku. I then gave him a warm smile,

    "Hello Kanashi.

He gave me a small smile and then hung his legs over the bed. I'm guessing to stand up off the bed. I stood up, but then wobbled and started to fall. I stood up and caught him our faces inches apart. I stared into his sapphire eyes, while I could feel his pierce my own. We turned away my face turning hot. Kachhan's (Midoriya's Nickname for Bakugou) words echoed in my mind,

    "Tell him that you love him."

I then helped Kanashi up and draped his arm over my shoulder helping him walk.

    "I'll help you home if that's fine."

I looked at him and his face looked nervous,

    "Um n-no I'm fine."

    "I insist."

I'm guessing he reluctantly accepted, as he continued to walk with me out of the front doors of the school. I wonder why he didn't want me there and also did I love him?

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