Chapter 5: Pass or Fail, A Saddening Tale

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(Kanashi's POV)

When those words were said to me I was so happy, but for some reason still not pleased. As he grabbed my hand and started to lead me to the field, my face turned red. I followed behind though. As we got to the field the rest of my classmates were lining up. The teacher picking something out under his nails. When we got into line I hid behind Midoriya a bit. The others intimidated me, even though I got a recommendation here.

"Alright, students." The teacher, we found out was called Shouta Aizawa, started explaining the rules of his test called the, Quirk Apprehension Test. "You will do a series of events, that you must showcase your quirk. If you fall below the 20th place on the placing, you will be expelled."

Everyone's eyes around me were full of determination. I didn't have that courage; my self-confidence was ruined from all the denial over the years. Also, my parents completely disowning me didn't help at all. I could feel Midoriya's heart beating faster as well. It was soothing for some reason. So, the tests started the seemed rigged for one specific quirk. The running one, I did okay. The jumping one I did, okay. The rest of the tests went on and it seemed like Midoriya wasn't doing so hot. It was finally the Baseball throw. I did great on this one. I used my quirk to turn the ball into a liquid and then making it super light I threw it a whopping 923.8 meters. I worried about Midoriya on this one though. I re-adjusted my glasses, as he went up to the throwing area. Surprisingly, after the teacher stopped him and gave a lecture about his quirk hurting himself, he threw the ball far, and I mean REALLY far. Afterwards it turned out the tests were a total BS, no one was getting expelled. For one reason, I thought it was, because no quirk can do everything. Afterwards I walked with Midoriya back to the classroom.

"So, "I flinched a bit by his voice "Kanashi, what do you like to do for fun."

"Um, well." I fixed my glasses and then looked down at my feet, "I like books, and um video games."

He smiled at me.

"You really are shy aren't you."

"Well I wouldn't say shy. I always have just lacked confidence and social experience."

He laughed. We then arrived at the classroom to change back into our uniforms.

"So, "he then looked at me curiously, "Why did you always follow me in the first place?"

I looked away from him and secretly scratched my scarred wrist.

"Um well, I was in your pre-school class and when you found out you didn't have a quirk. I thought we could be friends, because at the time I got laughed at for having such a weak quirk. All I could do was make objects liquefy."

I then looked at him, putting on somewhat of a fake smile.

"But we are friends now. So yeah."

He smiled back,

"Alright let's get changed."

He opened the door for me with his class clothing in hand.

"Oh no no, you can go first I'll wait."

He looked at me like a was an alien. Then he just smiled,


He then walked in as I walked over to a chair and sat down. I pulled out a horror novel as I waited for Midoriya to finish changing.

(Midoriya's POV)

There was something off about Kanashi. He wasn't just a shy goofball, there was something deeper hurting him. The weird thing was I kinda wanted to help him. Maybe just human instinct. I finished changing back into my school clothes and then I walked back outside the changing room, to see Kanashi's face shoved into another book. He really did like those didn't he. I snuck up behind him and whispered in his ear, but just before I did I got a whiff of his hair. It smelled...wonderful. Like vanilla and sweets.


I whispered a bit loudly. He jumped, the book in his hand turning into a puddle on the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." At a wave of his hand the book reformed on the table. "J-Just don't scare me p-please."

I then figured another one of his natural quirks. He stuttered when he was nervous. It was kinda cute. He then grabbed his clothing and then rushed into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind him. I then got a bit snoopy and started rummaging through his bag, I then found a letter that his parents wrote him, it was crumpled and torn. It read,

You are an evil child, you are not Kanashi! You're a gay piece of shit for a son. What did we do to deserve you, we were good, we didn't deserve a gay piece of trash. Get out of our sight, we don't want you anymore.

I remember that Ochako Uraraka, the girl, told me that Kanashi's parents had also disowned him, but for being gay. That was horrible. I then heard the door open and then close slowly behind me. I quickly turned around, the note still in my hand. I then saw Kanashi, who, by his sullen expression, saw I had read the note. He slowly walked over to the table where his bag was. He started packing his stuff.


"I'm guessing you don't wanna be friends anymore since I'm gay piece of trash."

I didn't care that he was gay, but I couldn't get those words out. So, I did the best I could, I gave him a hug, my arms wrapping around his back. Right then I got a sense of his physical structure, He was thin. Really thin. No muscle or anything. I then back away and saw he was blushing a bit. I then grabbed his hand and smiled.

"Come on friend, let's go to class"

He smiled back and followed. I was happy in that moment, but a sudden thought made me blush. What were my true feelings toward this silver haired boy?

Just a Flash of Silver(Midoriya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now