[ChanSaw] Drunk'n Mistake (2/2) (SFW)

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   I woke up to being pushed off of my bed, a small scream coming from the bed. Great.

   "Why am I here and why were we in the same bed!" Heather panicked as she scrambled out of the bed.

   Getting up was a bit painful, landing on my back had knocked the wind from my lungs. Coughing a bit I grabbed at the side of the bed to get up. "Heather it's fine we- we didn't do anything" I lied. "I brought you here after you passed out. Thought I'd help." I walked over to the deck grabbing the tray of items. "Now, how about you lay down and I help you with that hangover of yours, okay?"

   Heather seemed a bit hesitant before agreeing, "Alright but... are you sure we didn't do anything? Because I vaguely remember doing something with a girl."

   "I can't say yes but I can't say no, now, drink up." I handed her the water, "I also found some corn nuts, they art BBQ but it's all we had."

   I expected a mean retort on how I could have gone out and got them at the 7/11 but instead I got a thank you?

   "Thanks, Veronica, it's the thought that counts I suppose, next time though, that is if there is a next time, make sure to get BBQ"

   I just smiled, handing her the packet of corn nuts and siting down next to her on the bed. "So... you said something last night, and I'd like to know if it's true. You said the only reason you let me into the group was because of your infatuation for me, and stated that you've had a crush on me since freshman year."

   Heather did a spit-take before laughing, this time it was her usual bitchy laugh. "Veronica, I was drunk, drunk people say weird things. I only let you into the group because I saw potential" Heather lied straight through her perfect teeth.

   "Then why did you kiss me..." I hesitated, not meaning for that to come out. well, no going back now, "I-I lied when I said we didn't do anything- oh don't give me that look, -I knew you were drunk but it just happened, you had me up against the wall, what was I supposed to do, push you away and leave you there with no safe ride home?"

   Heather stared at me, wide eyed. I took a deep breath preparing for a harsh slap to the face, but all I got was laugh.

   "Alright, you caught me, I'm gay, I'm a dyke and for a past nerd" Heather huffed out any air she had left.

   "So what now?"

   Heather pulled me towards her in a searing kiss before pushing me away, "don't tell anyone about this, or what happened, or I'll end you, and this." She gestured towards both of us.

   I nodded quickly before pulling her back in.

   At least this didn't end as badly as she expected.

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