[ChanSaw] Who Knew (2/2) (NSFW)

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   Chandler walked alongside David, not that she wanted to but that she had to. She needed to keep her reputation up. She had to do to what people expected of her.

   Entering his dorm she moved to sit on the couch that sat beside the small dorm room kitchen. He sat next to her, of course, leaning in kiss her sloppily. Heather hated it. But she kissed back, barely, letting David do the work.

   Getting handsy he grabbed at her waist, pulled at her dress and just kept touching and touching. She wanted it to Stop! She pushed away, "Come on David, lets just get to the party."

   "Sorry, it's just you're so hot tonight." he gently nudged the back of her head, Chandler knew what he expected her to do, and she had to do it.

   She looked down, giving up, slowly letting herself slide down to her knees on the ground before reaching for his zipper. Taking in a hot breath she let herself reach and pull out that gross thing men called a dick. She internally grimaced, wrapping a hand around it to tug at it like she was taught. Heather could have gagged right there is she had the reflex. But she help back. Tentatively licking up from base to tip. The worst thing in this moment was his lack of warning before he came. Glad it was over so fast but her face was now frosted with gross salty cum.

   "Jesus Christ warn me next time!" she hopes there won't ever be a next time, she should have stayed and helped out Veronica.

   Heather didn't even let him answer before leaving to walk to bathroom and wash herself off. She felt worthless... like just a toy for men to play with. Walking over to the sink and grabbing a glass, filling it up with water.

   Guzzling the water a bit in her mouth she spat it at her reflection, disgusted with herself.

   Not but 2 seconds later she saw Veronica run in before regurgitating into the nearest trashcan.

   "Hey..." Veronica starts.



   Veronica didn't know what came over her as she sauntered over to Heather, backing her up against the wall, "Holy hell... why are you so hot~"

   Heather seemed to scowl, but it looked forced.

   "Jesus, Brian is a Male, all that's on his mind is sex, he got pissed when I told him no. But it's not that I don't wanna have sex, No I know what I wanna do~"

   Chandler stepped back, well, tried to, being pushed up against a wall didn't exactly help her cause. She could feel the hot breath of Veronica Sawyer down the side of her neck, "'Ronnica, lets just get out of here and get you sobered up alright?"

   Veronica wasn't even drunk, tipsy even, somethings just flipped off. Like a switch. A phase of false confidence.

   "Alright..." she sighed, walking with Heather Chandler as she pulled her out to the car.

   T H E M O R N I N G A F T E R

   C H A N D L E R

   Waking up, Chandler slowly took to her surroundings, she was quite aware where she was, she didn't get drunk at all last night, she helped Veronica after taking her to her room and giving her a glass of water to help with any lingering anxiety that lingered in her chest. After a while they both fell asleep under the covers, neither of them making a move to speak, it was all too exhausting of a night.

   She felt the warmth of Veronica's hold as she went to get up, the other now snuggling into Heather's back. "Veronica, wake up..." she asked tiredly, turning over to look at the other face to face.

   Veronica didn't budge, her breathing still soft as she slept soundly. An idea popped into Chandler's head, placing a hand on Veronica's cheek before leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips. Pulling back Heather saw beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes, "well good morning beautiful..."

   Veronica sat up, yawned and stretched and rubbed her eyes as she tried to wake herself up, "Mornin'..."

   Smiling Heather got up, "Want anything to eat love?"

  "Yeah, you~" Veronica replied, a smug smirk on her face.

   Chandler scoffed, "have you ever even had sex before?"

   "No," she replied, "but there's a first to everything."

   Walking back over to the end of the bed Heather pulled Veronica in for a kiss, it was soft, warm, gentle, unlike all the "make out sessions' she's had with men. This time it was something she actually wanted to happen, something she enjoyed. It made her heart soar as she let her hands grip at Veronica's waist. Kissing up the side of her face she nipped at the others ear, "how about I show you how this works, hm?" all she got in reply was a soft nod.

   With a small huff Chandler leaned down to kiss at the others neck, nipping lightly, causing small gasps to escape from Veronica's mouth.

   She wanted Veronica's first time to be something enjoyable, so she kept her pace slow. Gently she nipped again this time at the edge of her jaw, softly kissing the area to sooth it. A hand made its way down Veronica's side, a chill going down the girl's spine as she whined slightly at the light contact.

   "Stop teasing..." it came out as a soft whisper from the blue girl's lips.

   Heather giggles at this, "let's take it slow 'Ronnica." she says as she pulls down at Veronica's skirt, "I actually love you, Veronica... unlike those fuck boys, I want this to be just as special for you as it is for me..."

   Veronica gave a small smile, "I love you too, Heather Chandler."

   At that moment Chandler took the chance to kiss her, their bodies still intertwined as she bit at her bottom lip, now sliding a hand down where Veronica seemed to need it most. Edging her on until finally Veronica seemed to snap and beg her. So she did. Heather let herself go further, relishing in the moans that came from Veronica's mouth a perfect symphony.

   After making sure it was okay she entered Veronica, letting her get used to the feel of one finger at a time until they got to three. At this point Veronica couldn't hold back her cute little noises of pleasure, trying to cover them up with her hand until Heather moved it and pinned it down to the bed, settling with biting into Chandler's shoulder. Every movement of Heather's fingers sent sparks up Veronica's spine and into the ever growing knot in her stomach, the pads of Heather's fingers hitting that special spot every single time until she finally released with a silent scream into Heather's shoulder as she bit down harder. She let go slightly as she came down from her high, now nuzzling to the crook of the others neck.

   "You doing alright there, love?" Heather asked, lightly tipping Veronica's head up with a finger under her chin. Eyes closed, Veronica nodded with smile.

"I love you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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