Love Curse

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I just had to put this amazing video out there for you Elejah people.

The story of the video  in my eyes: it is AU in some ways- but it takes place after tvd 4x18-

Following the kiss on the gazebo with Elena, and having found about Jeremy's death. Elijah says goodbye Katherine.  After Elena gets her emotions back, Elena and Elijah start seeing eachother. Angry Katherine gets a witch to hex Elena to stop loving Elijah. The hex made Elena sleep with Damon and fall for him, also acting emotionless towards Elijah. Disappointed and hurt Elijah leaves for New Orleans, where he does a stupid thing and sleeps with Hayley...

Bonnie gets Elena out of the hex some six months after- and they finally meet again in New Orleans. The following scene takes after the last scene in the video

In the French Quarter

"Of all people you sleep with her?"- Elena said tearing up.

"I am sorry- I was- I know this is not an excuse. I switched my feelings off- and I know this was the most immature thing to do. I am so sorry, Elena."

"So am I. You make mistakes. You're good at that."- Elena threw back at Elijah and knowing it was unfair she now apologized for the outburst.

Elijah was quiet and his heart quivering with pain, he now said-"Forgive me."

"Damn Katherine"- Elena spat out.

"I just - I just didn't see that it was the hex- it was like with a flick of the switch you were all you again- telling me straight that you - didn't love me - that you were confused and that you have always wanted Damon, was the hex"

"Yes, it was the hex. And now -hex or not- she is- expecting your kid and-huh- I know how much you love to have family of your own"- Elena tried to steady herself.

Elijah nodded a little with his heart clumped up, tears falling down his face now. He never wanted her to hurt this way. And she knew that she could not be the one standing between him and his family. She was not that kind of a person.

"Go"- Elena slips.

Elijah motions to her, but she shakes her head not to come close to her saying faintly-"Don't-"

All cut-up, Elijah now turns away to leave.
Elena turns and rushes now to him kissing him passionately. And he envelopes her in her arms responding zealously. In their hearts they know this is a goodbye kiss, parting is heartbreaking, but inevitable. As she pulls away, he gives her  forever glance and swishes out of the room.

"Goodbye, Elijah"- Elena whispers as he leaves the room.


In Algiers, NOLA

"You can't continue lying to him Hayley, this baby is not Elijah's."- Camille said to her friend-" if you're not going to tell him, I will"

"No, you won't"- and without much thought Hayley now snapped Camille's neck, who fell dead on the floor and the brunnette hybrid just walked out of the door of the woman's apartment.


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