Black Out Days

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Caroline walked in the Mikaelson House looking for Bonnie. Having heard her swish in, Klaus now came out of his room and walking down the stairs informed the blonde-

"The witch is at the Laffayette Cemetery."

"Ah, that is why she is not answering her phone. Ok- "- Caroline said and as she turned to leave, Klaus flew over to her like a flash and stood in front of her looking at her with his eyes now clearly saying what she didn't want to hear-please, can we talk

"Can you move away, please-"- Caroline said looking aside.

Klaus moved aside, as he didn't want to be accused of keeping her forcefully. But Caroline was not moving and then looked at him annoyed-

"What is it? What do you want? There is nothing to talk about."

"I need to make things right. And I had hoped that you would give me a moment of your time."- Klaus now said.

Caroline now nodded letting him tell all that was in his soul.


In Laffayette Cemetery No 1

Bonnie opened the jade box and now got a book out opening it. Vincent read the verses written in old french translating them to Bonnie-

"She who carries the blood curse will stand to undo the cursed ones who walk in the shadows."- Vincent now looked at Bonnie, who immediately knew who the one with many faces was uttered -"Elena"

"The doppelganger's blood."- Vincent now said-"the cursed are the Originals."

"I know. But- the cursed ones were of the wolf origin. And only Klaus is the wolf. Something is not right here. Please, can you read again, the part wuth the dark objects and the seven royal wolf blood undoing the curse."

Bonnie read some more and then closed her eyes for a second as she realized what the Blood Curse entailed- "why- why is it always this way"

"What?"- Vincent asked and Bonnie now showed him the part of the spell and the ritual.

"Why are you worried. She is now immortal?"- Vincent said.

"It's not Elena. It's Hayley. She is the crescent wolf needed for the sacrifice."


"Read the spell again."- Bonnie now said. 

Vincent read again and then realizing that it was right now closed the book shaking his head-

"We have to stop this. We just can't let it happen."

"I know. What are we going to do?"- Bonnie was devastated and now got out of the old chapel. She needed fresh air to think and try to get around all she had just read, dialing Elena's number.

In Algiers, Elena was making coffee as Elijah came in bringing freshly made french bread for both of them. Elena smiled at him as he swiftly plated them out. She leaned over to him into a small kiss saying-

"I can so get used to this."

"This is how it is going to be from now on."- Elijah said. 

As they sat down to eat, Elijah's phone went and it was Mary saying all flustered- 

"They just came in - hit me - and took her. I couldn't do anything."

Elena looked worried at Elijah, who having finished listening to Mary said-

"I am on my way."- Elijah said as he hung up and now looking seriously at Elena asking her to go to the mansion. 

"All right. But please call me, when you find out what had happened."- Elena said-"Go now, I will be fine."

Love and The Blood CurseWhere stories live. Discover now