Love above all

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"Elena is awake!"- Caroline exclaimed and overtaken by happiness hugged Klaus, who was startled by this gesture for a split second, but then enveloped her with his arms, his heart bursting with unusual surge of gladness.

Realizing what what had just happened, Caroline now moved a little out of the embrace facing the Hybrid, who still held her wrapped up in his arms, his hands slowly settling down on her lower back.

"It's great news."- Klaus said his eyes gleaming at the blonde vampire.

"It is"- Caroline replied and take in by her feelings that had been rambling for a long while for him, she now leant toward him a little and Klaus pulled her to him, lips now crashing onto one another into a kiss of sweet acknowlegment of love.

Elsewhere, Kol, Rebekah and Bonnie stood in front of an unusual door underneath the Lafayette Cemetery No 1 -

"It's now or never"- Bonnie said to the Original siblings and using her Bennett empowered ancenstrial magic walked through the old wooden gate of the catacombs with Kol and Rebekah following her.

"Talk about spooky"- Kol said seeing mummified corpses on both sides of the wall. All of them were holding an item covered up in linnen.

Bonnie closed her eyes and concentrated in finding the heart of the aztec witch they needed for the ritual.

"Why am I not surprised that a corpse is holding the heart"- Rebekah said.

As Bonnie started to mumble the aztec spell, suddenly the heart they were looking for started pulsating and Kol happily pointed at the mummy with it.

Rebekah got hold of it but it wouldn't move.

"Pierce it"- Bonnie said-"we only need its blood"

The blonde vampire did as the witch said.

A few hours earlier

In the private hospital in Abbeville, Elijah held Elena closed in his arms being beyond happy that she was with him again. As they moved out of the hug looking at one another with great love that transcedent space and time.

"My dearest Elena"- Elijah whispered as he brushed over her face with his palm-"I missed you! You can't imagine how I have missed you."

Elena, who still was somewhat dazed from the magic released looked at the Original with teary eyes like he was not real-


"Elena!!"- he exclaimed now embracing her warmly once again.

"I had this dream- I could hear you and you talked and I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't. Huh- what is going on? How did I get here?"

"I will tell you everything, but first, I have to let your friends know you are awake"

In New Orleans,
Hours later, in the Mikaelson Mansion

Elena, Elijah, Caroline, Klaus, Rebekah, Bonnie and Kol were sitting in the lounge quietly giving a moment of respect to all of their friends and family they had lost.

Elijah now took Elena's hand and said first looking at her -
"Your friendship, your love
has brought glorious technicolor to my life. It's been there even at the darkest of times and I am the luckiest person alive and I hope I have not taken it for granted. But I think maybe I did. Sometimes you get lost, but then you open your eyes and you -"- he now looked at everyone around continuing-"take a moment and you look deep into your heart and your soul to see what got, and that you could lose it - by a flick of a switch. We paid and we are still paying for all we have done. Mother made us into these creatures to defend ourselves, and we have done the opposite, we became the predator, changing peoples lives. Aurora, Katherine and the others are the product of our own misgivings. To cut things short, I eant to say that, strangely, it is love that stops this curse- however crazy this sounds. This love"- he looked at Elena again-"that gave me strenghth to fight my own demons inside- once we said family above all- but it is actually - love above all - because love will save the family and all!"

Everyone got teary, Klaus now exchanged significant loving looks with  Caroline, Kol with Bonnie, Rebekah looking at everyone taking a deep breath remembering how she let her true love behind, now taking her phone dialling a number.

As the super- hightened emotions subsided, Bonnie took over now explaining how they will reverse the Blood Curse hanging above them.

That evening

Kol knocked at the door of study, making Bonnie raise her head.

"Wanna go out for a drink? You have revised the spell thousand times now. There is still time to revise it some more in the next couple of days."- Kol said.

"It has got to be right. We can't have any loops, because, if I make a mistake, Elena dies and Vincent probably too, and I will never forgive myself."

"So- you and Vincent? Is there- still something going there?"- Kol asked.

"Vincent and me?"- Bonnie said

"Yes- Vincent and you. You were together and - I see you with him around, and you two - it's like you still have a thing- and I- have- ok- I have these feelings for you. And down there, during Elijah's speech that I thought would never end- you - gave me this look- so, I  don't know if I read something wrong- well- you will not stop me going on and on, are you?"

Bonnie nodded a little then saying-

"This is the first time I've seen you show your emotions without joking around. And it is just great seeing how you - are you- I waited for a while now for this."

"You have?"- Kol's eyes sparkled hopefully.

"Yeah"- Bonnie said.

"So, Vincent and you -are not together?"

"What do you think?"- Bonnie said now walking to him.

"No."- Kol said.

"No."- Bonnie said.

She now stood in front of him.

"Kiss me already"- Bonnie said nearly whispering. Kol now pulled her into a long awaited kiss.

In the bar near the Mikaelson house, Klaus got two Bourbon shots for Caroline and him -

"Well, love"- he looked at Caroline dearly-"I have fancied you from the first moment I met you and- and I know that you loved him very much and - maybe you could never feel the same and it's not a competition- it never can be- what Elijah said - is true- Love is that moves everything- and -  whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you, Caroline"

"Yes, I loved him. He was really special, and I miss him. And sometimes I feel guilty, because - I - there are these feelings that I have for you, and yeah- I don't want run away from them anymore"

Klaus smiled at the blond vampire with love. Caroline now didn't care about them being in the bar, her heart wanted his and she now kissed the Original.

"I am on my way"- Rebekah got into her car as she landed in Richmond.

"I am waiting"- Matt said.

Elijah found Elena in the small courtyard sitting among the lush vegetation. He sat down next to her on the bench.

"How are you?"- he asked.

"Fine."- Elena said.


"Yeah, I am. I really hope we get some kind of a break now and can live a little."

"After all this done- we can do whatever you want to."- Elijah said.


"Whatever!"- Elijah said affirmatively.

"Ok. I have to make a list."- Elena said-"but now  I just want one thing."- she turned to the Original and  placed a kiss on his lips, Elijah respinding to it zealously now deepening it into the sweetest kiss of all. Their hearts entwining and eyes now exchanging-

'I will always, honestly, truly, completely love you"

Love and The Blood CurseWhere stories live. Discover now