The Blood Curse

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Elijah snapped out of the dream or rather a nightmare breaking in cold sweat. He got up and whizzed to the bathroom splashing cold water on his face and neck. He looked himself in the mirror. The same dream had been now plaguing him for a little while and he kept it to himself, but now he knew that he had to share it with Bonnie.

"Knock, knock- anybody here?"- Kol said as he whizzed in Elijah's apartment.

The Original now took the towel and wiping his face off walked back to the bedroom looking at his brother saying-

"Any clues?"

"None and plenty"- Kol said.

"Stop talking in riddles"- Elijah said now picking a shirt out of his wardrobe.

"I think Bonnie Bennett fancies me"- Kol then said, completely swaying from the subject.

This was not unusual from the younger Original. Elijah made a little silent sigh as his brother was trying his patience. The only thing Elijah wanted to know was what the road trip to North Louisiana Kol and Bonnie took, had brought.

"Can you please just tell me if we are still barking at the dead tree or is The Blood Curse connected to Elena or us?"

"There is no strong evidence, but everything points that it is connected to Elena and us- we die without her"- Kol said now looking somber at his brother.

"So, it's true?"- Elijah said.

"Yes. Aurora's witch used Bennett magic to poison our blood and we live only if we drink to the point of Elena's death."

Elijah now got furious getting hold of his brother-
Kol now pushed his brother off of him, vamping out at him-

"What is going on here?"- Rebekah now came between her brothers.

"Nothing"- Kol said-"we just- had a heated argument"

"I heard you"- Rebekah said-"not just any argument- it was about Elena. We are all tense, but, seriously, we have to keep it together."

Elijah was now calm and apologized to Kol about his outburst-

"I love her. And the time is ticking away. All that we've been through and now this. She helped me not lose myself- the thought of-" - Elijah shook his head with worryingly.

"We will find the damned spell"- Rebekah said turning to Kol-"come on you- I need you to help me with the Laffayette cemetery labyrinth."

"See you later"- the blonde vampire said to Elijah, who nodded at his siblings.

Elijah's thoughts now returned to the night two years previously- the day he had found out the child Hayley was carrying was not his -


Elijah now got out of Elena's embrace, and the darkness shone out of his eyes at her again.

"Look at me, Elijah"- Elena took hold of him by both of his arms saying-"don't let the anger beat your humanity. You are better than this. I know they played with you, but losing it now is not the answer."

She could see the struggle of the whirlpool of emotions in the flicker of the moonlight set upon them. The anger was overwhelming, and everything inside of him again battled not give into it. Elena was now the only thing that stood between him and the abyss of rage boiling in his heart.

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