Still in love with you

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"How crazy?"- Caroline asked.

"Pretty crazy!"- Elena said gasping a bit looking at her friend. She now got up and went to get herself a glass of water.

Caroline followed her into the neighbouring room-

"Can't leave me like that without details."

As Elena took some water- and dismissed it, asking -

"What time is it?"

"Half past seven. You've been asleep for hours."- Caroline said.

"You should have woken me up."- Elena now criticized her friend-"I've got tones to catch up for college. I am not a vampire anymore. I really need to study hard."

"Oh, I will compel all the professors for you-"- Caroline now said.

"Can't do that."- Elena opposed heavily.

"Whatever. I am going out. You should come. Let's have fun. I am only here for like a couple of days. Seriously, I can't still get that you and Bonnie are staying here with Klaus and Elijah."

"Well, Elijah is not really staying here. He is in the Bayou most of the time. And when he is not, he stays in his place in Algiers."- Elena enlightened her friend.

"Ok. I know you are avoiding talking about it. And this dream that you just had- it was about Elijah, right?!"- Caroline was relentless.

There was no point of hiding the truth, not from Caroline, and Elena nodded, now retelling her the dream.

"You dream of him proposing, ha?"- Caroline said.

"Yeah. But it's just a dream. And we don't live in dreams."- Elena said-"it's never gonna happen."- the doppelganger ran her fingers through her hair now flashing back to what had happened the other day at the river back.


Elena moved out of Elijah's arms, and now looking at him said-

"This is killing me. At one moment, I just wish I was hexed again. Then things would have at least been easier."

"Don't say that"- Elijah now took her by the arms.

"I don't want to - and I hate myself for feeling like this woman who wishes to erase everything, like nothing ever happened. And that is not me, Elijah. And, you are here, and I feel bad, because it feels like I am stealing you from- ah, just go, please- just go!"

But Elijah envelops her in his arms and now says-"You are right. We can't go on like this. I will have to deal with this."

Elena wriggles her way out of his arms and now leaves without saying anything. And he let's her go. For now.

"What happened then?"- Caroline then asked after Elena told her friend about their little moment on the river bank.

"He tried to break up with her and she threatened to kill herself. And she was ready to do it."- Elena explained.

"OMG- she is really - that is mad blackmail."

"She has been very unstable since she had turned."- Elena explained.

Caroline just shook her head now saying-"Oh, Elena"

"You see- how mad it is. The pregnancy is also making her very moody and completely irrational. I get that Elijah can't risk it."- Elena continued explaining.

"Come on, now. What you need is a drink!"- Caroline took her friend by the hand-"Lot's of drinks."

On the way out, in the Hall, they bumped into Bonnie and Vincent. Caroline invited them along.

And in the bar, a few doors down the women let go- cocktails were coming their way and they just carried on with the fun.

As Klaus entered with Stefan a little while after, seeing everyone having great fun, he looked at Vincent, who explained that Caroline forced in the ban on talk about magic, dark objects and anything concerning their world.

"Let's join them, then."- Klaus said ordering himself and Stefan a Bourbon.

"To Rebekah"- Klaus said as they got the drink looking at Stefan poignantly.

Stefan saluted reluctantly and after sipping down the drink went to his girlfriend, the bossy blonde vampire.

Klaus took another drink now watching Caroline hang her arms around Stefan giving him a sloppy kiss.

Vincent's eyes now caught Klaus' heartbreaking look and now said daringly-

"She is the one?"

"Yes."- he said shortly now getting the whole bottle of the bartender turning to the warlock-"How about you and the witch?"

Vincent was surprised that he asked.

"We are in one of the most romantic places in the world and - it feels like it is the worst"- Klaus said.

Elena would agree with him. She looked to the bar from time to time where the hybrid and the warlock continued to hover, hoping to see Elijah arrive. But he was not coming to the other side of the Mississippi. He walked into his vast apartment in Algiers and poured himself a drink there. He had another exhausting day of trying to calm Hayley down and make her see that he would do his all for the child, but that he was not going to have a relationship with her. After a sip and two, he took his jacket off, hanging it neatly in his wardrobe. His mind now found one happy moment helping him steady his thoughts. He started undoing his shirt as he heard footsteps on the way up to his apartment. Footsteps he knew so well- and Elena now walking in

"Hey-"- Elena said and stood still gulping a little and then said-"I didn't think you will be here- I was - at this party- not really a party- just- you know Caroline- and it got - well, she took off with Stefan, Bonnie took off with Vincent, even...

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"Hey-"- Elena said and stood still gulping a little and then said-"I didn't think you will be here- I was - at this party- not really a party- just- you know Caroline- and it got - well, she took off with Stefan, Bonnie took off with Vincent, even Klaus got with a - random girl - and I stood there- on my own- and I said- Hell to that - Hell to everything- I am sick to death-shouldn't say that- but what the heck- been there, done that- twice-"

Elijah could see that she had a few too many- and as he tried to say something- she was not close to him and put the finger on his lips saying - "No talking. Not tonight. Tonight - I just want one thing- and that is you to love me."

"Elena- this is not right- you're"- Elijah said, but Elena now looked at him with her chestnut eyes that were shooting one message out-"Just love me- even if it is for one night"

"Elena- this is not right- you're"- Elijah said, but Elena now looked at him with her chestnut eyes that were shooting one message out-"Just love me- even if it is for one night"

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His hands now slid around her waist and he pulled her into a kiss...

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