Hold on I still need you

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A week later in  LSU Medical School, New Orleans

Elena sat down in the College cafeteria going through her schedule. She looked at it several times trying to get to remember what she had when, but her heart was not letting her concentrate. It has just one thing on its mind and that was Elijah. Closing her eyes, she now traveled back in time and place-

Bonnie sitting down at the table now made Elena jump out of the daydream remembering what she and Elijah had.

The witch knew from the look of the doppelganger's face that the Original was still so very much present in her heart.

"I wish I don't have stay here."- Elena said.

"I know. But as soon as you are unlinked from Klaus, you can leave."- Bonnie reminded her friend.

Elena sighed now uttering-"And how is that going?"

"Not good."- Bonnie now said-"This is what I came to tell you. The spell cannot be lifted till the next blue moon and that is in two years."

"Two years?"- Elena couldn't believe what she was hearing-"I am stuck here for the next two years. Can you not do anything. Damn him."- she was angry at the Original hybrid for having linked her blood with his to keep him untouchable through a direct link with Elena's blood.

"It makes you untouchable, too. You are like an Original now."- Bonnie said.

"That is the last thing on my mind."

"I know."- Bonnie commiserated now with her friend.

"You don't have to see them at all. We will just ignore them, like they don't exist. New Orleans is not Mystic Falls. It's big. They live in the French Quarter, and we don't go there. Simple."

"Yes. Ok."- Elena said.

"So, how about getting that house then in Treme-Laffite?"- Bonnie said.

"Yeah, let's"- Elena said-"I don't want to stay in the hotel anymore."

"We will get you out of this."- Bonnie said seeing her friend making a little sour smile. 

"Thank you. Just feel so bad about you always having to get me out of problems all the time"

"That's what friends are for."- Bonnie said.

"It's just with this friend the crazy never stops."- Elena said-"Why couldn't I have been just a normal girl and fell for just a normal boy. And have a normal life, like my-"- and there she stopped.

"Like your parents were?"- Bonnie finished Elena's sentence.

"Well, my real parents were not really - just so normal- yeah. Huh- ok. Enough. Today is the first day of the rest of my life- I will concentrated on getting my degree, work all hour volunteering and have a normal life. Deal?"- Elena looked at her witch friend who nodded in agreement-"and two years will pass and I will then be free of them- forever!"

"Talking about degrees - I have to go to class. Meet you later, so we can go together to look at that house?"- Bonnie said.

"Yep."- Elena agreed.

Bonnie now looked at Elena's scribbles on the pad and saw Elijah written on it.

Elena herself now noticing Bonnie's eyes on the scribbles, huffing a bit said-

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