I was made for loving you

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Cuddled up still, Elena now roamed with her fingers over Elijah's chest, him giving her a peck on the temple saying-

"I love you"

Elena now looked up to him -"Love you, too"

"Your eyes are so sleepy, come on- have some sleep. I am not going anywhere."- Elijah said squeezing her lightly with his arm cuddling her more up to him.

"You'd better"- Elena said with a little yawn coming out of her.

"Sweet dreams."- Elijah said giving her another little peck on the head as she rested her head on his chest now falling asleep serenely.

Having her in her arms again was like the best gift the universe could have given him. His heart hummed happily as he now listened to hers ticking dearly. He could look at her forever. His mind now floating back to the moment she had come to him after the homecoming party in Mystic Falls declaring to her that he was in love with her. 


Elena came down the stairs of the party, looking stunned seeing Elijah standing next to the car. 


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"Elena"- he came forward

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"Elena"- he came forward.

"Elijah"- Elena said accentuating his name in her sweet manner. It was clear that she was not expecting to see him. 

There was always a moment of momentous silence every time they would meet. The universe stood still, till he or she would speak-

"You look lovely"- Elijah said.

"Well, ahm, thank you"- Elena said and took a silent breath, everything inside of her convulsing in a pretty unusual manner as she now flashed to all that had happened in the gazebo in Willoughby. Her, him, the kiss, the talk after the kiss and her waking up on a bench in the park.

"What are you doing here?"- Elena now asked. 

"I have"- Elijah started and then took a pause-"I heard- Rebekah had told me that - you got your emotions back and -"

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