Chapter 7-Breakfast Meeting

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Icefall City
Arktis Skyland
Northern Space

Warm water cascaded over him as he rinsed off the soap from his body. After turning off the shower, he shook some water from his hair and stood there for a few moments with the droplets running down his form. He grabbed a fluffy white towel to dry himself, before wrapping it around his waist.

He stepped out from the bathroom, feeling somewhat alone without the presence of his Draelings. The three were in the stables of the inn along with the other Draes.

Making his way to the red bed where his clothes lay, he proceeded to change. When finished putting on his trousers he heard a knock from the door, making him wonder who it could be. He went to answer it while wiping his hair with the towel.

At first he saw no one, until his gaze went downward and fell on a familiar brunette. He tilted his head in confusion. She stood there like a statue while staring at his torso, with a wide box was in her hands. He felt a rush of discomfort from her stare, and draped the towel over himself to cover a portion of his exposed trunk. A fake cough came from his throat and brought her out of her state.

Her dark blue eyes widened to the size of saucers before they snapped up to his pale blue orbs. Her entire face reddened when he raised a brow at her. He resisted the urge to smile at how adorable she looked.

She looked away and shoved the flimsy white box to him. While balancing it in one arm, he lifted the lid. A dark blue coat with simple black embroidery drew his attention at once. There was a pair of black trousers, a white vest, dress shirt and a cravat as well. He looked up at Areisha and was about to ask about the semi-formal clothing when she beat him to it.

"Professor Gael told you to wear that, along with the boots from our team uniform. You guys are going somewhere this morning," she said. Her face was back to normal, but she still avoided his gaze. "He also said that if you don't wear it in the next half-hour he will come here and force you. It didn't sound like an empty threat, just so you know."

His eyes almost bugged out of his sockets. He was thankful that Areisha wasn't looking for he was sure he looked comical. "Tell him I'll wear it," he sighed. "Did he say where we're going?"

"Do I look like a messenger to you?" she snapped up at him. He sighed and shook his head when she walked away and disappeared into one of the red and gold hallways of Recessa tia Kyana. He closed his door before deciding to pull on the clothes. It didn't take long for him to exit his room.

With the blue coat draped over one arm, Alec made his way to the private dining room for the Sky Games Delegates of Draeyer Academy. He paused in front of large oak doors before pushing it ajar. His gaze fell on their professors. Linan, Cynn, Gravis and Meolie gathered on one side of the room talking to each other. He looked for his fellow Sentires and found them clumped over something on one end of the long banquet table.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked as he closed the door behind him. His friends jerked from their spots before Solana yelled.

"Nothing!" she said. Alec took in the appearance of the others. Knox and Ceiver were wide-eyed as they faced him. Areisha and River both leaned back on their chairs with solemn faces, while Rei stood with his shoulders shaking from suppressed laughter. He noticed Solana try to discreetly pass a sheet of paper to Knox. The young man only shook his head at himself instead of prying.

Alec slipped his arms into the sleeves of his coat. It was long enough to reach mid-thigh and he buttoned it from the chest to waist. It was also made from thick but light material. However, it was too warm for his liking since the cold didn't bother him at all.

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