Chapter 33-The Guard

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Icefall City
Arktis Skyland
Northern Space

As gentle as he could to avoid making a sound, Alec placed the book on top of his bedside drawer. He had been reading it for Krizton, and the little boy now lay sound asleep next to him. Alec leaned down and kissed his forehead before he whispered.

"Good night," he said, "and I'm sorry."

His attention went to the amber-eyed Draeling staring at him from Krizton's other side of the bed. He reached out and stroked her snout. "I'm sorry I couldn't help your Draeyer and his family on time, Elvyra."

A tiny growl came from the white Draeling, before she draped her body over Krizton's chest. She closed her eyes and slept. Alec suddenly wished his Draelings were still the same size as her so they wouldn't be sleeping in the stables with the others.

With a sigh, Alec pulled the covers over the two and stood from his bed. He stared down at them for a few more moments, before walking over to the door leading to a balcony. He slid the glass to the side, taking care not to let any of the cold air in, and stepped outside.

It was already late at night but sleep still refused to embrace him. After all that happened that day, his mind kept buzzing with different thoughts. His head hurt.

He stepped closer to the railing. He paused.

Something felt wrong.

His head raised and whipped back and forth. He could feel a pair of eyes watching him, and a heavy feeling settled in his gut. He straightened his shoulders and clenched his fists.

"Come out," he said. "I know you're watching me."

As soon as he said that, he turned to face the door he came from. From there, a figure moved out of the shadows and stepped into the light of the moons. Alec's senses heightened, deciding whether the person was a threat or not.

The figure wore a thick brown coat and a pair of snow boots peeked from under the long material. Judging from the build, he knew it was a man. A hood casted a shadow over his face, rendering Alec unable to see know his identity.

If it was another man who was after Krizton's life, he would waste no time in twisting his neck.

"I didn't expect you to sense me quickly," the man said. "You really are skilled, aren't you Alec?"

The voice sounded a bit muffled, as if something was covering his mouth as he spoke.

"State your business," Alec said.

The man gave a short chuckle before pulling his hood off. Alec soon found a plain black mask covering the entirety of his face.

"It's about Lady Areisha," he said.

Alec felt himself relax. He had a hunch who he was now. "You're Bran," he said.

As a reply, the man reached up and held his mask. As he took it off his face, Alec's eyes locked on to a grass green gaze. Herce, he thought in alarm. But as soon as the thought came, it went away once he saw the rest of the man's face. No scar could be seen on his lips. Instead of the smirk he saw on Herce's lips, there was a kind smile on Bran's.

"It's nice to formally meet you. You don't have to address me formally by the way," Bran said. "It's a little hard to believe that we only met now despite the fact that you and Lady Areisha were chained together these past few months."

Alec allowed a small smile to fall on his face. "It's nice to meet you too."

Bran gave small bob of his head. "Thank you for helping Lady Areisha in my absence," he said, surprising Alec. "She was almost...violated, because I wasn't around. I swear I won't allow it to happen again."

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