Chapter 25-Aim

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Icefall Academy
Arktis Skyland
Northern Space

The loud and incoherent chatter of the crowd ceased. She ignored them, and watched as Knox climbed on one of the cylindrical pillars of varying sizes. In his hand, he held his precious black metal bow, while a quiver of arrows hung across his back. The representatives from Parythian and Icefall joined him in their own chosen pillars. Excitement coursed through her and she resisted the urge to hop on the balls of her feet.

From the three, Solana’s gaze lifted to a giant orb covered with many large holes. It lay suspended above the cluster of giant pillars, scattering the small amount of sunlight escaping through the grey clouds. Inside it, smaller crystals floated with words written in black on the surfaces. They were targets for Knowledge Hunter.

To her left, at Draeyer Academy’s box, she saw Alec seated sideways on the balustrade with his back leaning against one of the columns supporting the roof. Areisha stood close and talked to him, to which he gave a curt answer. She couldn’t hear them anymore because her power was already sealed off for the game. The two turned to her direction, and both smiled at her in encouragement. Solana silently thanked the heavens that her two best friends were finally starting to get along. As her eyes flitted to the other faces on the balcony, she looked away with a sigh before she saw a certain redhead named Rei. Not now, she thought, focus on the game first before you go talk to him.

She put on a smile before donning the special earmuffs modified with small sound-crimas. When she did, she heard nothing but the sound of two distinct breathings: one coming from Knox and the other belonging to the Question Master. Throughout Knowledge Hunter, she was only allowed to communicate with the said two. Knox on the other hand, would only be able to hear her voice.

Hunters, weapons at the ready,” the Question Masters voice said. She relayed the message to Knox at the same time as the other two participants. Knox nocked an arrow on his bow while his opponents did the same. Solana closed her eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled.

Ready, Lana?” Knox asked through the special earmuffs.
She smirked.

“You and Alec readied me for this.” Silence answered her, but she knew her brother was smiling at her.

First question. From the Sentire Category,” the QM said. “What is the subclass of Censorins wherein the Setiral Power is developed through childhood wishes? Go!”

Solana wasted no time and answered. “Sidusan.”

From his position, Knox jumped to another pillar and drew his bow. For a few seconds he looked up at the floating orb and the wordy crystals inside. He took a shot. The arrow cut the air and entered through one of the many holes. It embedded itself on a crystal with a word similar to what she uttered. It exploded into light and she saw the open mouths of the crowd as they probably cried in excitement. Two more “Sidusan” words exploded due to arrows from their opponents. Solana didn’t worry. Knox was the first to strike answer.

Three points for Draeyer Academy,” said the QM.

Solana saw Knox nocking his bow once more, his powerful sight locked on to the orb containing the floating crystals which seemed to be moving even faster than before. Faster movements, harder targets, she thought.

History Category,” Question Master said. “Name a family today descended from kings.”

Solana grinned and looked to Areisha’s direction. “The House of Roselintine.”

Knox moved once more, flipping in the air and landing on a new pillar like a cat. With a swift turn, he launched an arrow, sending it through a hole and hitting its target. It almost missed but hit its mark. Another explosion of sparkles followed by the QM’s voice announcing their gain of three more points.

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