Chapter 18-Chain

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Last for today! :)

Also, look out for Alec's character profile in Book 1


Icefall Academy
Arktis Skyland
Northern Space

A plain black cavernous ceiling greeted his line of sight from the moment his eyes fluttered open. His body felt tender and all he felt was pain when he tried to move his limbs. He managed to move his neck and look around him.

Two rows of cots lined the blue room, and the white sheets covering them looked untouched. He lay on one close to a closed arching window overlooking the snowing grey sky and white landscape. He shut his eyes tight from the light and turned his head away from it and back to the room.

His gaze went around and lowered until he spotted a head of brown hair on the left side of his bed. The person was a girl donned in a grey wool shirt which accentuated her figure rather clearly. Between the gaps of the brown tresses, he could see her half-closed blue eyes staring at the white sheets.

"Roselintine," he said. His voice came out dry and hoarse, surprising him since it was the first time he ever heard it.

As if struck by something, Areisha bolted to sit up straight on the high stool she occupied. Her wide sapphire eyes locked with his icy blue ones and just stared. For a moment she sat there, before the surprise melted from her face.

"Are you thirsty?" she said. He lay there stunned. The words which left her mouth was definitely something he didn't expect. Even though she received his silence as an answer, she stood and went to a pitcher of water sitting on top of the counter to his left with a cup. As she poured crystal clear water in the mug, he ignored his protesting muscles and sat up. He scooted to the headboard so his back rested against it. Areisha turned back to look at him with a frown.

He heard small growls from under him and he felt the bed sink. Four Draelings ran over to him and cuddled close; Entiny on his lap, Leyan and Midnight on either of his side, and Emera snuggled next to his dark blue Draeling. He smiled when the four looked at him with relieved eyes and purred against him. His hands moved and stroked their heads.

He looked up at Areisha and reached for the water. The moment she gave him the cup, he brought it up to his lips and gulped the water like he hadn't drank any for a long time. It felt cool and nice against his parched throat. As he handed it back, his other hand pulled the hem of his black shirt up. His eyes caught on to the white bandages wrapped around his torso. It reached up to his neck and there were bandages around his arms as well.

"You were out for a day," Areisha said, "and beat up, but not to a point where we had to send you to the hospital." She returned to her seat and then stared out at the closed window across from her. Her face was solemn as she spoke and Alec had no idea what to think of it in that moment. "It seemed to me that Gael and Headmaster Donovan were a bit wary of sending you there despite the persistence of the healer here."

"Where am I?" The water helped him regain his voice it would seem.

"Icefall Academy's medical wing," she said. "The healer went out for lunch but I'm sure he would check on you once he sees you're awake."

He nodded and looked down at the blanket covering his legs. "What about Water Conqueror?"

"It was cancelled. There was no winner after...what happened," she said.

"Gael and Asher?"

When she didn't speak for a full minute, worry grew in the pit of his stomach and crawled up to his chest. Before it got worse, she answered.

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