Chapter 2-A Dance

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Draeyer Academy
Drae Skyland
Northeastern Space

"I'll see you soon, dylaga."

Sheriun handed her the small sling pack which contained a few of the books she retrieved from their mansion―and a new friend of hers. The brown leather bag moved before the flap opened. A small head of white fur popped out and big brown eyes looked around the trees surrounding them. Areisha smiled and petted the creature, enticing a delighted "meow" from it.

After giving her a peck on the forehead, Sheriun spun and strode over one of the Academy's rock wharfs where a large Float awaited him. The green rose symbol of Saggaran billowed on the white sails as gusts of wind blew by. Once her father boarded the transportation, the crimas below it hummed louder.

"Bye, Papa!"

With a smile, she waved at her father as the Float drifted away to the direction of Saggaran Skyland. A few clumps of clouds soon obscured her view of it, and she casted her gaze at her Draeling.

Reaching out to the young Drae, Emera leaned into her hand. Emera had grown big enough so her head was almost in level with her knees when seated on her hind. Her attention then fell on the cat peeking out of her bag, and stroked its snowy white head once more. "You'll love it here, Lux." The kitten purred against her hand before disappearing inside her pack.

She sighed and walked away. As she passed the watch towers and stepped on the cobblestone path, she ignored the chatter of the other students who had also returned from their time with their families.

Her gaze fell on the white band wrapped around her wrist. As fingers grazed over it, it felt like her own skin like usual, rendering her unable to remove it. She couldn't help but think of the person wearing the other white band.

I bet he has his nose buried in one of his books again, she thought. She emerged from the forest and continued through the path passing the Sun and Moon Dorms. She climbed the hill, and she heard the others' voices diminishing as she moved further. Once at the top, she climbed down and eased her way to Star Dorm.

The past month was quite hectic. Their lessons only became more difficult, especially the two other extra ones she took. Alec's snoring as he slept on the desk next to her during those extra class periods only made it hard for her to focus. The professors paid no mind to him seeing that that they had no other choice but to do so. It was forbidden for them to be unchained during classes―unless for reasons involving trips to the lavatory.

Emera kept pace with her on the pavement. However, the Draeling shot forward a few moments later. Areisha looked up and smiled as she saw the blue building of Star Dormitory a few yards away.

As she neared though, silence surrounded the dorm, and she could hear nothing from the inside as well. Because of that, she concluded that the twins were still away. Knox and Solana were the main source of ruckus in Star Dorm―and her and Alec's arguments.

She paused in her tracks when Emera rounded the building and followed the paved path to the backyard. After pinning the bag to her thigh for Lux's sake, she ran after the green Draeling. She reached the glade they considered as the backyard. When she heard the meows of complaints from her kitten, she reached inside the bag and stroked it. Meanwhile, her eyes were quickly drawn to the three Draelings frolicking on the grass with Emera.

Three frozen trees caught her attention next before her eyes fell on a hunched figure in front of it. His hands were on his knees as pants escaped him. What really caught her eye were the blue flames covering the entirety of his frame. She made her way to the Draelings as she watched him. So he can do a full body now, she thought. It took him long enough.

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