Chapter 19-Councilman

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Icefall Academy
Arktis Skyland
Northern Space

Gael watched as Rei finished off his last opponent. The redhead spun with an outstretched leg and struck, sending the Icefall Representative flying till he crashed on the wall of the lower arena. Rei's hand rose and his yellow Flame appeared, shooting out towards the semi-unconscious boy. When it touched his foe, it transformed into sticky liquid and stuck the boy to the wall. Rei fisted his right hand and the slime hardened into stone, trapping the now unconscious boy awaiting the assistance of the healers and Ryders.

The crowd cheered for the champion of the day's duels. He paid no attention to the roars and watched as Gravis joined the healers down at the oval when Rei fell to the snow in exhaustion. He dashed out of his seat and the steps to join his fellow professor. When they reached the redhead, the groans and profanities coming from Rei assaulted his ears.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn," Rei said. Two healers turned him over as he continued to cite the same word over and over. He was then taken from the cold white ground and placed on the stretcher by gentle hands.

"Are you alright Rei?" Gael asked. As the healers took him away, the two professors trailed along on either side of the redhead.

"I'm fine, professors," Rei said. "I'm just tired and sore all over from fighting two people at the same time."

"Good job, Rei," Gravis said. "You put us in the lead with 30 points."

The boy fell silent and his brown gaze rose to one side of the arena. Gael followed the movements of his eyes and saw where he was looking. An older version of Rei sat on the balcony where the members of the Council of Heavens were. Stiff and as cold as the stone statues all over Icefall Academy, August Ronel stared at his son with an emotionless mask.

"I'm glad some people appreciate my achievements," Rei said. "Unlike somebody over there sitting like he has a stick stuck up his ass."

"He's still your father, Reinand," Gael said. "Respect him." Rei scoffed to the open air before closing his brown eyes that blazed in anger at the mention of his father.

Gael ignored it and turned his attention to Gravis, noting the way the older man's lips twitch. His cousin glanced over to him and gave him an awkward kind of smile. However, Gael could read the teasing but true message in his orange-brown eyes well.


He released a sigh and stopped looking at Gravis. Instead, he focused on accompanying Rei and the healers to the arena's infirmary.


Once Rei was taken care of, Gael left him in Gravis' watchful eye before leaving the arena. He then climbed the large set of steps leading to the main building of the institution they were in.

As he walked down the grey stone hallways of Icefall Academy, teachers and students alike greeted him. He mumbled hellos and gave curt nods to not seem rude, even though he wanted nothing more than to see if Alec was awake from his ordeal yesterday.

The healers said that Alec overused Flame and it resulted to him almost freezing himself. Even though he knew it wasn't his fault, he blamed himself for not being careful. If he had paid much more attention, they wouldn't have gotten struck by the water pillars. Asher's wing wouldn't be injured and the possibility of Alec blacking out would've been lower. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.


His steps halted and he felt his heartbeat quicken at the sound of the familiar voice. No one had ever made him feel like that except her. He would never get tired of hearing his name over and over as long as it's her and her sweet voice calling out.

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