Chapter 14- Eaana

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Icefall City
Arktis Skyland
Northern Space

Gael blew out a breath and a thick mist formed in front of him. He then stuffed his hands inside his pockets, because the gloves gave little heat to withstand the cold. Not too far from his position, where students climbed up and down, was the large staircase leading to the imposing structure of Icefall Academy.

A growl came from behind him and he turned to meet his big black Drae. Asher's white eyes had narrowed at him, apparently not pleased with lying on one spot on the cold ground for the past couple of minutes.

"I know you're hungry," he said to the creature. The adult Drae tossed its head to the other direction, refusing to acknowledge him. Gael sighed and reached out and stroked his fingers over the white star markings on Asher's neck. "You can go ahead, if you like. I can wait for Ms. Vaneesa myself."

The moment the words left his mouth, Asher's wings spanned to their full length, almost knocking him back on his rear end. The Drae jumped and was soon no more than a dot amidst the towering buildings of Icefall City.

Gael never expected the reaction from the Drae. He stood there, in utter shock, with his mouth opening and closing like a fish as he stared dumbfounded at his Drae. His shoulders dropped and he shook his head at no one in particular. Straightening to his full height, he palmed his forehead. "I can't believe him. Kosmos! Sometimes, I don't know whether he's loyal to me at all!" he grumbled out loud.

Female laughter caused him to jump and stiffen like an iron rod. He whirled his head and his gaze fell on the woman he'll be joining for lunch. His hands unconsciously reached up to straighten the creases on his plain, but heavy, green jacket. He bent his upper body in a polite bow.

"It's nice to see you again, Ms. Vaneesa," he said.

"I'd say the same for you," she said. Vaneesa chuckled before curtsying―in a rather playful manner. She approached him donned in a knee-length coat the same ash color as her eyes. Her two-toned hair, which was gathered in a high ponytail, swung behind her with each step she took. "But, I'd prefer it if you stop calling me miss, Professor Gael."

"Then just call me Gael."

She stopped before him, looking quite dazzling with the bright smile on her face. Gael fell silent as he felt himself drowning in the depths of her mesmerizing grey eyes. He felt heat crawl up his face when he realized what he was doing. Looking away with a cough, his gaze went to his brown boots. He hoped to the heavens that she wouldn't notice, or if she did, assume it being the result of the cold surroundings.

"Are you sure your Drae will be all right?" she asked him.

For a short moment, he was taken aback by her question. He twisted on his heels to look to the direction Asher took before turning back to her.

"Asher is very independent," he said, "as you have probably seen earlier. He'll be fine."

Vaneesa only smiled, but by the shine mirth gave her eyes, he knew well that she was suppressing a laugh or two from escaping her lips. He returned her smile before looking away again. For the love of Kosmos, Gael! Why are you acting so shy! he yelled at himself.

"Thank you for the help you lent me yesterday," she said. He nodded as a reply. "I'm sorry as well for forgetting to tell you where we were supposed to meet."

"It's alright," he said. He took in a subtle breath and looked back to her with a smile. "I was expecting I'd see you in the arena, but what I didn't expect was to be greeted by your student instead."

"I was quite busy in the academy, but I'm glad I sent Cessa," she said. "If I hadn't, you would've probably forgotten our lunch date."

"Date?" he asked. His head tilted sideways, and he felt an unusual amount of shyness leave him when the words left her plump red lips.

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