Chapter 3-Decree

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Draeyer Academy
Drae Skyland
Northeastern Space

Alec stiffened again when he felt a small object paw at his back. When it was gone, he resumed cooking the dough-wrapped bananas in the batch of molten brown sugar. It was supposed to be chocolate like Areisha asked but he couldn't find it in himself to obey her as of that moment.

He felt it again and this time there was small "meow" from the creature he feared since he was five. He turned off the fire and whirled around. However, he slid to the other side of the counter when Areisha shoved the little beast at his face once more. He was thankful for its wings were still small for its body and he didn't have to worry about it flying around him much too soon.

Another irritating laugh came from Areisha.

"I'm serious!" he yelled. "If you don't stop I'll fry it alive in cooking oil!"

Areisha's dark blue eyes widened in fear and she took steps back with the kitten to her chest. Alec noted that Lux the cat looked a little uneasy from the thrusting and jerking Areisha had been doing to it. A part of him kind of felt sorry for the animal.

"You're so cruel. Lux is only a kitten. He hasn't even done anything wrong to you! Why are so afraid of cats anyway?"

"You're the cruel one. You've been moving it around like an object and now it looks like it's about to throw up."

With that, Areisha quickly sat Lux on the floor. True enough, the kitten swayed on his legs for a few moments as he walked. Alec looked away and later heard gagging on one corner of the kitchen. "You're cleaning that up," he said.

The kitchen doors slammed open and Solana came crashing through with a grin on her face. "Who's afraid of cats?"

"No one," he answered much too quickly.

"Oh, it's you then." He silently groaned at that and used continued with finishing the rest of their dinner. He was never going to hear the end of it.


"Alec, you really need to cook more often," Ceiver said. "You're better than me at it." The boy had a gleam of satisfaction in his brown eyes, and he could see it through the glasses he wore.

"Even River likes it more than he would show," Knox said as he dabbed his lips with a napkin.

"I do not!" River cried. But right after, he took the last piece of their dessert and dug his teeth through crispy syrup-covered bread and into the banana. They all chuckled at him and Alec took the moment to look at them all. I wish we're always like this, he thought.

"I don't want to Ceiv," he said. "I like your cooking better."

Ceiver froze and stared at him first. Not soon after, he broke into a grin at him. "Thank you Alec!"

"Grandpa's here!" Solana suddenly yelled. She jumped out of her seat and disappeared behind the dining room doors. Small smiles formed on their faces when they noted that she resembled an excited little girl.

They all stood, leaving the table and deciding to tidy later. It was considered impolite to keep the headmaster waiting. As they reached the lounge though, Alec scrunched his face when he saw the sour mood Solana was in.

"Hey guys!" His eyes fell on a familiar redhead and he understood why Solana was in such a mood. Rei sat near Headmaster Donovan, Erin and Gael. They all greeted the four a good evening before they chose seats to occupy.

"Are you all still eating? I was wondering if we could join you?" the old man asked.

"I'm sorry Headmaster. We just finished," Areisha said. "They ate everything."

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