Chapter 16

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     He swung his scythe at me and I barely deflected it. I swung my free hand at his midsection that was exposed. He grabbed my hand and flung me out the near by window. Glass went everywhere as I fell into the parking lot. I fell down onto the awaiting concrete.

     "Ah...ah...ow." I said as I slowly removed the glass from my arm. When the glass was gone, my arm healed immediately. As much as I'm not looking forward to when the gear wears off, the healing factor helps a lot. He leaped down after me. Skeletal hands launched out of the ground and caught him in his descend.

     "You're not very good at fighting. Tell you what, just give up and I'll make you my undead servant." He scoffed. A dome surrounded us. I didn't put it up and judging from his face he didn't either. Then I saw a figure in white armour. They stood atop the condo and watched closely.

     "I don't know who you are, but don't intervene. This doesn't concern you." He said glaring up at them. A voice came from the armour.

     "As of now it doesn't. Though your lack of putting up a magic sphere concerns me. Do you not fear mortals seeing this?" Said a feminine voice.

     "I can leave this town as soon as I'm done here. People seeing it doesn't concern me in the least. At least they can see the true heir to the Dragon King in action." He said chuckling. I got up and swung at him from behind. The figure crumbled to reveal a skeleton.

     "That was a little dirty. A strike from behind." He said sitting on a nearby balcony. "Not only that but I need to make a new puppet." He said looking at the bones.

     "Get down here and fight me!" I yelled.

     "How about you come up here instead." He yelled swinging his scythe. Skeletal hands slammed me up into the air. I flew up to him and he leaped and slammed me back down into the awaiting concrete. I spat out blood and held my side. I think I broke a rib.

     I stood up as he landed nearby. An energy ball formed at the end of his scythe.

     "End of the line. It's a shame. Not the fact that I have to kill you, but the fact that I wasted valuable time just to fight you." He said. The ball grew to half my size and launched. Sodaka formed in front of me just as the ball was about to hit me. A loud scream pierced the air. The ball dissappeared leaving only a scorched piece of fabric on the ground.

     "NOOOO!" I yelled. I fell to my knees.

     "Well that was unexpected. A Void Stalker appeared out of nowhere. What a waste of energy. Oh well, hey can you stay there while I charge up another blast." He said lowering his scythe again. A warm sensation engulfed my arm. I watched as the metal took over my whole arm. My vision went red and all pain and thought left me.

     "I'LL RIP YOU APART!" I yelled bounding to him. He shot the charge at me, but I simply knocked it aside.

     "Oh, shi-" He said right as I slammed him into a wall across the parking lot. He ripped himself out of the wall. He shook his head and looked at my figure gaining on him. He formed two skeletons in front of me. I busted through them like there was nothing there. He swung his scythe in the air. I grabbed the handle and it turned into a power struggle.

     "Now this is what I wanted. You're actually worthy of the title cockroach. Now get ready for when I squash you like the pest you are." He said pushing me back. I lept backwards. He ripped my shirt as he sliced at me when I did it. I lifted a piece of busted concrete and threw it at him. He broke it upon his scythe. I threw two more. Same result. Little did he know, with each throw I inched closer.

     "Now you're a child. Throwing rocks, didn't your mother ever teach you better." He said destroying the concrete. I ripped a door off a car and launched his direction, and bolted right after it. He sliced the car door in half.

     "Sticks and concrete may break my bones, but cars will never hurt me." He said. The car door opened a hole in his defense. I swung down at his scythe. A skeletal hand grabbed my arm, but it shattered under my force. I struck the scythe and a crack formed in the spine that was the handle.

     "That was a dirty trick. Low even for you!" He said roundhousing me to the side. I got back up and looked at the crack. It was glowing. Maybe if I break the scythe, I can break his gear. He slammed his scythe into the ground and 3 more copies of him popped up. They all ran at me. I swatted one, but it turned to dust. Another one took the handle of it's scythe and hit my chest. The other two punched me sending me flying into a nearby car.

     "What's the matter? Having trouble seeing straight? Because you look like you're seeing multiples." He said laughing. Another copy popped up next to the other three. I had to do something fast or I wasn't going to win. My gear didn't feel as strong as when we first started. The copies won't care if they get hit, so if I throw something. The one that attempts to dodge or block will be real.

     I launched a few rocks towards the group. One of them readied themselves to slice it.

     "Bingo." I said launching towards them. When the rocks took out the copies and he slashed his, he left his scythe wide open. I threw all I had into one punch and aimed for the crack. The scythe split into two. He looked over at me as the piece in his hand began to glow brighter and brighter.

     "What have you done?" He said calmly. A massive magic explosion engulfed us. When my eyes could see something other than white, the armoured figure stood over me. They removed their helmet to reveal a girl with black hair. Her eyes were as green as emeralds. She smiled down at me.

     "You won. Now rest." She said walking away. I watched as a black claw formed on my left arm. I smiled and fell asleep from exhaustion. Right there in the parking lot.

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