Chapter 42

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I waited until my hands were no longer blue, and began to approach the frost wall that had formed. I tapped on the wall and it burst into snow. I trudged my way to the girl who was curled up under the moonlit window.

"I'm sorry for bring you here, but I need you to help me. I need you to shatter that mirror." She said pointing to the mirror above the fireplace. I looked over at the large oval shaped mirror. I was confused at why she hadn't done it herself yet.

"I bet you're wondering why I haven't done it myself yet." She said looking at the ground. I nodded and sat on the stairs.

"If any of my ice gets near the fire it slowly starts to go out and I begin to melt." She said standing up.

"Smash it. Smash it now." She said angrily. I approached the mirror and tried to form my gear. I never felt the warmth of anything along the lines of my gear forming.

"I guess you can't use your powers here either. You have to find a way up there." She said from the window. I pushed one of the chairs over to the fireplace. I was able to just barely reach the bottom. I began to remove it when I lost my balance.

The chair toppled backwards with the mirror in my hands. I closed my eyes as I fell to the hard wooden floor. I heard the mirror shatter. I opened my eyes and saw the fire go out. The moon turned blood red and the frost in the room became illuminated in a sickly crimson. I looked up at the girl and I watched her dress turn red. Her face contorted into a haunting smile.

"Hehe, oops. I guess I tricked youuu!" She said as her red eyes fixated on me. I tried to get up and form my gear, but still nothing formed. She giggled again and wagged her finger.

"Silly baby, none of that." She said as ice formed all the way down the stairs toward me. I began to run only to be stopped dead in my tracks. I looked down at my frozen foot. The ice raced up my leg until everything from my neck down was frozen.

"I love you heroes so much. Always looking to do the right thing for the damsel in distress, but you get so caught up that you never look close enough to catch your downfall." She said as she walked in front of me.

"Now let's get to the fun part. The part where I freeze your blood and watch your entire circulatory system burst like a balloon." She said laughing. I felt utterly lost as I looked at my fingers. They were already beginning to turn blue and I was sure the rest of me was to. The girl went back to looking out the window. All while kinda laughing to herself.

I tried to move, but my body couldn't break the ice. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. I begin to feel really sleepy. The hypothermia began to set in around this time. I tried to put as much force as I could into my muscles, but nothing could force even a crack in my crystal cage.

My eyelids were becoming only heavier and heavier, until I couldn't keep consciousness. I fell asleep thinking I'll never wake up again.

"Kenta!" Said a voice. I opened my eyes to see the red dragon bearing down on me.

"Yes..?" I said looking back down at the ground.

"Have you really gone and let this Ice Wraith defeat you?" He said in a booming voice. I didn't raise my head.

"I guess I have." I said defeated.

"Do you really believe that? Kenta, you're a Dragon Spawn. I was saving this for once you had acquired the other dragons, but this is a desperate situation." Said the Red Dragon.

"Watch carefully. This never fails and you don't need to summon any dragons to do this. Concentrate all your power into a single ball in the stomach. Form an image of that ball in your mind." Said the Red Dragon. I closed my eyes and focused on the ball. I felt my core grow increasingly warm.

"Then when you feel that you have all the power you need, open your mouth, and force all that energy up from the stomach and out the mouth!" He said as a vicious column of flames spewed from his jaws. I felt it's warmth on my body, and I took it into my own. I felt the power building slowly until it was a fair sized ball. Then I forced it all up through my chest. I watched as flames ignited in my breath. The dragon nodded.

"Good. Now keep in mind this will actually hurt you Dragon Spawn. You still are part human. Don't do it too much or you risk doing severe damage to yourself. Only once you've reclaimed all gears can you truly master this technique. Use it to destroy your enemies!" He said looking down at me. I nodded and rose to my feet.

I forced my eyes opened and looked down at my fingers. They were almost the color of blueberries. I began to focus what little warmth I had left. I heard footsteps begin to walk toward me.

"Here's the fun part! This is where they scream as I pop each vein one by one." Said the Ice Wraith. I watched as the ball began to grow slowly. I felt pins and needles in my fingers as the blood began to thaw a little. I continued to focus and try to remove all distractions.

"Oh, darling! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting! Hehe, actually no. No, I'm not." She said stepping in front of me. She looked at my expressionless face.

"Did someone pass out? Playing in the snow sure does make one tired, hehe." She said giggling in such a way that it sent shivers down my spine instead of the ice. She tapped my face.

"Wakey, wakey." She said with a gleeful tone. I watched the ball double in size, but I needed more power. I continued to grow it. My legs were now growing to feel like normal like my fingers and I felt my clothes grow wet from the melting ice.

"Hmmm, hey! Are you even alive anymore?!" She said getting annoyed. I felt the ice that use to be in direct contact with my skin give way to my intense heat. The ball was nearly the size of my head, but I wasn't done.

"What the-" She said looking down at the wet floor. Then I forced the ball up my chest and out my mouth like I had been taught.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Said the Ice Wraith as the fire shot straight into her face. The ice shattered under the intense pressure and the glass in the window bust from the sound wave of my roar. The mansion began to go up in flames as the fire continued. The Wraith screamed from the floor as the ceiling began to cave. I grabbed her by the throat and caught a wooden beam twice my size that had nearly fell on us and tossed it to the side. 

"I'm Ferrix, Dragon of the West, Destroyer of the Night, and the Third Dragon King! I am legend, but you are not." I said as mine and Ferrix's voices became one.

"Now I think you've entertained us long enough!" Said Ferrix. I felt his attempt to take over. I quickly forced him back and took back control. I let go of the Wraith's neck and she fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Kill her now, Dragon Spawn! She's weak. An embarrassment, a disgrace, in the very fact that she thinks she can hold even an ember to our flame!" He shouted in his booming voice in my head.

"Enough, Ferrix!" I shouted back. I felt his presence become fainter and fainter before it vanished. The Wraith looked at me with the most fear I could ever see in a living being.

"I'm sorry. Can you please just leave before he comes back?" I said scratching the back of my head and giving an uneasy smile. She simply got up and laughed in her little laugh.

"You had me so scared! I actually thought you were gonna kill me! That's kind of a turn on." She said putting her arms around my neck.

I simply stared in disbelief.

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