Chapter 26

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Kaede untied me and left without saying a word. I'm gonna die from these two and their antics before another gear wielder does. I attempted to sleep again, but it wasn't as easy as before. I just managed to sleep for about 30 mins before light streamed into my eyes from outside.

"Mr. Takizawa, your breakfast is waiting for when you get up." Said a voice with a knock on the door. I barely dragged myself over to my dresser and got my clothes. I took my shower and got ready. I was alert, as best as I could be, for any attempts that Shoko could pull. I left my room and never ran into Shoko or Kaede. I was a little surprised.

I entered the dining hall and my breakfast was at a table for 2, but no one was at the other chair. I ate what I could, but I didn't eat much from the thought of what today would hold. The king approached me with his wife in tow.

"Kenta, man of the hour, hopefully future son in law, how has your morning been?" He said. He took one look at my barely eaten breakfast and instantly knew.

"I see. Well you can't do anything about it now. The duel will take place. I'm sorry, Kenta. That's just the way the law works. The dual starts at noon. Should we expect you arrival?" He asked. I nodded slowly.

"Alright, servant!" He yelled. A young demon ran to the king with a clipboard and pen in hand.

"Yes, your highness?" He asked.

"Write down Kenta in the VIP list. Also give him a chair next to me in the royal booth." He said. The demon nodded and put the clipboard back under his arm. He began his retreat and was gone in a few seconds. The king patted my back and him and his wife left. A servant came and took my plate and went back to the kitchen.

I went back to my room and decided to take a nap. I was just destroyed by the sleepless night I had. I laid back down and was out. I woke up to see Kaede sitting at my bedside.

"Kaede? What are you doing here?" I asked half asleep. She didn't say anything in return.

"Kaede?" I reached put toward her. She turned to me, but her face wasn't there. A skeletal face was in it's place. I jerked my hand back. The creature began to contort and change form. Turning into a giant black figure. It sprouted wings and talons. It's arms formed and red eyes began to stare me down. I tried to run, but I was frozen.

It's arms reached out to me. I couldn't move! I couldn't even scream. It opened my mouth and I watched in horror as it began to enter my mouth. It was like I was swallowing ink. It tasted like smoke, and it began to fill me with a cold sensation I've never felt before.

"Mr. Kenta! Mr. Kenta!" Said  a servant shaking me. I jolted up in my bed drenched in sweat.

"Are you alright? You were spasming and yelling." He said. I felt fine now. I looked around my room. Nothing had changed. Like the figure had never been there.

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