Chapter 31

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We arrived late at the castle. I had my food taken to my room, because I was exhausted and planned to crash after I had eaten. I did just that. After having yet another amazing meal prepared by the chefs I crashed hard. Only when I opened my eyes again I wasn't where I expected to be.

Everything was black. Nothing could be seen. I tried moving, but I was stuck. Then I heard something. It was far off but it was audible. I tried to call out, but my throat couldn't produce any noise. The noise was closer now. It sounded like metal being dragged. I couldn't move my head to look around.

"Are you scared?" Said a voice. It sounded feminine. It was close. The metal scraping turned into chains rattling. Then it went quiet for some time again.

"I know you, but do you know me?" Said the voice again. I couldn't answer even though I tried to. The chains rattled and they were being dragged closer than ever.

"Maybe I should let you speak? Though i don't know if you'll accept me..." It said. I swallowed as I felt something grab my leg. It was cold and wet.

"You're here. All to me. I've wanted to talk to you for so long." It said. Something grabbed my arm. It was cold and wet too. I couldn't move my head to check. Not that I could. It was still pitch black.

"Here, I want to see you again. I'll let you see." Then the room was lit. I was strapped down to a table. The two things that had grabbed me let go, but I could feel the presence of something eyeing me. Then a completely black figure straddled me. I looked for anything recognizable, but it was no different then when I couldn't see.

"Judging from your face I would say I look hideous. It's because you fear me. You see me as a monster. Let yourself calm down. I'm no different than you. Just breath." The voice came from the shadow. I attempted to calm myself, but I couldn't focus. My heart wouldn't stop beating so fast. The shadow sighed. It raised it's arms and the shackles on them rattled.

"Damnit!" It screamed. Slamming it's hands down on the table next to my head. I looked into the void that was suppose to be it's head. It started at me for awhile.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, but I'm not giving up. I'm so close, Kenta! We're so close." It leaned in towards me and I felt cold engulf my lips. I felt something enter my mouth and intertwine with my tongue. The shadow turned to ink and entered my mouth and nose. I felt it seep down my throat. It tasted like smoke, but that wasn't the worst part. I couldn't breathe! I was helpless as I was being drowned in the ink.

"Kenta! Kenta!" I woke with a start. I was in my bed and I was sweating profusely. Kaede was laying next to me almost in tears.

"Are you okay?! I was laying here and you started talking. Like you were having a conversation. Then you quit breathing and started to panic." Said Kaede reaching towards me.

"Yeah, yeah. Just had a bad dream is all." I said recalling the entire encounter. Kaede brought me into a hug.

"You're probably just exhausted and your mind is too. Making up things in your head that aren't real. It's okay. I'm right here." She said stroking my hair. Only then did I realize one key thing.

"Um, Kaede?" I asked removing myself from her arms.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Why are you in my bed?" I asked.

"Well I was coming to thank you for everything you did when I ran into my brother. He told me that I should get back to bed. I wasn't completely healed, but after arguing for a little he let me come. He never could say no to me. He also told me everything you did at the match." She said smiling. My cheeks grew red.

"Oh, um, really, uh, what all did he say?" I asked embarrassed.

"He told me all about how you rushed into the arena and smashed the barrier to get to me. How you defied the law just to save me. Then fought Shoko off so I could be cared for. Also your big speech. Looks like my man has quite the tongue in his mouth." She said giggling. I kinda chuckled and tried my best to hide my cherry cheeks.

"Let's see if that tongue is better than I thought." Said Kaede. Before I could argue or even ask what she meant, she grabbed me and kissed me. Her tongue began to dance with mine. When we finally parted she smiled at me. A trail of saliva followed her in her parting.

"Just as good as I thought, but Kenta..." She said getting out of the bed. I sat there speechless.

"How about you kiss me first next time? Oh and get ready fast. School's about to start. Also Riah fixed your dad's window and your house." She said snapping her fingers. I fell straight down into a vortex. I fell in only my boxers straight into my dad's couch. I got up and rubbed my head. Sodoka appeared next to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey, there you are. Where have you been?" I said hugging her back.

Oh right, you're scared of Kaede. I guess with her around me a lot in there you probably wouldn't appear." I said patting her head. She smiled at me and nodded. My dad walked into the kitchen whistling with his coffee. Sodoka reattached to me and I stood up. He turned to face me and jumped. Nearly spilling his coffee.

"God bless it Kenta. You're gonna give your old man a heart attack if you keep scaring him like this. Why are you only in your boxers? You weren't here when I got here so I thought you were out." He said looking at the flipped couch and me. I flipped the couch back over and started running to my room to get dressed.

"Sorry dad, but I gotta go. I'm actually going to school today. Glad you're home." I shouted from the other room. I grabbed my bag and other things and left after grabbing the breakfast dad baked for me.

"Oh, and my landlord called me. He said my house is ready to move back in to." I said putting my shoes on.

"Is that so? That was quick. Well I'll drop your things off later tonight." He said sitting down on the couch.

"Thanks, dad!" I yelled before closing the door and heading to school.

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