Chapter 48

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Yumiko had fixed me a breakfast of waffles and eggs. I was very surprised, as I only had this the one time I went to America with my father on a business trip. I quickly scarfed them down. They were amazing. It tasted way better than the ones at the hotel.

"Yumiko, where did you learn to cook like this?" I said getting me another waffle. She laughed a little to herself.

"I kinda taught myself in my spare time. I didn't want to eat the same thing all the time, so I learned some new stuff whenever I could." She said washing her plate.

"Where do you get the stuff to make it all?" I said finishing my waffle. She shrugged.

"I just kind of imagine something and the ingredients appear in my kitchen." She said drying the plate. I would question this, but I'm currently in an alternate dimension with an Ice Wraith who's pregnant with my first child, so I've kind of learned not to question anything at this point. I got up from the table to wash my now empty plate.

"No, sweetie. Let me wash it." Said Yumiko walking toward the table.

"No, I got it. I think I can wash my own plate. I'd feel bad if you had to do everything." I said walking toward the sink. Yumiko turned back around to continue washing the rest of the bowls and utensils. I set my bowl in the sink next to where Yumiko was washing hers. I wrapped my arms around her from behind, and put my head on her shoulder.

"Aren't you sweet." She said swaying back and forth with me. I just kind of chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Only when I want to be." I picked up my bowl and began to wash out it's contents from the same position. Once I was done, I once again embraced her and nuzzled my head into her neck.

"Mm, so why do you have to leave? It seems like you don't want to." She said running her hand through my hair.

"I have to leave evantually though. I have duties on the other side that I can't abandon." I said spinning her around and looking at her. She embraced me this time, and kissed my neck.

"I know... I just wish you didn't have to go. I miss you so much when you leave." She said in a small voice.

"I know..." I said just holding her tightly.

"I've gotta go soon." I said looking at the rapidly rising sun. The sadness in Yumiko's eyes seemed to grow much deeper.

"Why can't you stay? You'll never starve. I can feed you, and help raise our baby, just please don't go..." Yumiko said as tears fell to the floor from her face. I held her again for a little while as she cried into my chest.

"You made me this emotional mess!" She said continuing to sob. I kissed the top of her head, and began to stroke her hair.

"I know." I said smiling listening to her, because deep down, I never wanted to leave either.

After Yumiko had finally calmed down, she led me out into the clearing in the woods to send me home. She didn't look happy about it at all, but she new I had to leave.

"Do you really have to go?"


"But whyyy?"






This conversation carried on the entire time she was leading me there. The trees gave way to the clearing, and the sadness in Yumiko's eyes gave to anger. I felt the cold around me go from cold winter day to bone chilling. I walked up and softly tap her on the head.

"Hey, don't be acting so childish. Leave that for the baby. I don't want to have to look after two of you." I said walking toward the spot I stood last time.

"Mmm, fine." She said readying herself to use the spell. I closed my eyes and felt the cold pick up again. The tearing wind and snowflakes hitting my face allowed little warmth in my face or thought to be hard in my head.

"No... no more sadness." Said Yumiko. I wasn't able to open my eyes before I felt her grab me. It took me by surprise, and by the time I opened my eyes, the surroundings were that of my home back in my natural world. I looked down at a naked Wraith who had jumped through her own portal using me as the rock to hold onto.

"You came with me." I said looking down at the shivering Wraith. She took her time to compose herself, and finally spoke.

"I've never done that before, and I never plan to again. Please don't send me back..." She said nearly crying again. I hugged her tightly.

"Of course I'm not sending you back. I would never dream of it." I said holding her to my chest. At this moment, I heard my door downstairs open and a voice call to me.

"Kenta, c'mon. We need to get to school!" Yelled Kaede from downstairs. I heard her began to walk upstairs toward my bedroom. I looked over at the naked Wraith and my mind began to panic.

"Here! Hide under the covers!" I said trying to get around her to get to the bed, but I tripped over a pair of pants left on my floor. I fell onto Yumiko, and when I opened my eyes we were in a position very well known to her and I.

"Kenta, I swear. If you're still sleeping, I'll..." She opened my door to see my on top of Yumiko, naked, on the floor.

"I'll ask questions later, but right now, I need to teach you some manners. Now be a good boy, and bend over." She said as a magic circle formed in her hand.

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