Chapter 50

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"What do we need to talk about?" I said not letting my guard down. He set his glass down and motioned toward the seat near the couch.

"C'mon kid, sit down. Please tell me this isn't the way you treat guests." He said smiling. I moved around the coffee table toward the chair while never taking my eyes of him. He watched me the entire time with those silver eyes of his. He put his feet up on the coffee table. His black robe shifting a little to reveal his chest.

"Nice place you have here, kid. Almost makes me jealous." He said grabbing his glass again.

"Can you just skip to the point?" I asked sitting in the chair. He chuckled a little.

"Yeah, yeah. You have a name? Best to not be strangers before business." He said in a very casual manner.

"My name's Kenta."

"Mine's Zetral. You can call me Ze for short if it's easier." He said reaching out to shake my hand after taking a sip of the bourbon.

"What did you want to discuss?" I asked shaking his hand.

"Gonna put your weapons away before dinner?" He said motioning at my gears. I thought about it for awhile before I let the gears dissipate.

"There. Don't you feel better? Anyway, I came because I want to make a pact." He said sitting the glass back down.

"Why would you want to do that? I have no doubt in my mind you know who I am, and what my connections to the Devils are." I asked curious.

"Better if both people get something in return. You get a customer, and I get a fishing buddy." He said taking a pen out from his breast pocket.

"I think I still have some in my school bag. Let me go get one." I said getting up from the chair. I searched my bag and room over, but couldn't find one. I finally found one in one of my pants' pockets in the dirty clothes hamper.

"I found one." I said walking back into the living room. When I walked in, he wasn't on the couch anymore. Instead, he was now rummaging through my fridge.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing?!" I asked running into my kitchen. He turned around to face me with milk carton in hand.

"I ran out of bourbon so I went looking for something else. I then remembered that you don't drink, so I thought milk would be the next best thing." He said drinking directly out of the carton.

"Can you at least not drink out of the carton?" I asked. He stopped drinking and smiled.

"Oh yeah, I could've done that." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Look, here's the pact." I said putting it on the table. He walked over and took his own pen out. He wrote his name on the line, and the paper began to burn and sizzle. It burnt to a crisp and he shook my hand.

"We're now bound by contract. Expect some calls, kid. I'll be around." He said setting the milk on the counter and making his way out the door. I was still bewildered by the encounter itself. The fact that a strange man had just let himself into my house, knew I was a Devil already, and wanted to sign a pact with me didn't sit right. Not that I think anyone in the right mind could have that sit right with them. Later that night, I got a call from my father.

"Hi, Kenta! Just got back last night. What a flight! I'll tell ya, I was flat out exhausted when I got home. Felt like I hadn't slept in years. I came to remind you that we have the dinner with your new girlfriend tomorrow. Oh boy, my little Kenta is becoming a man!" My dad said so proudly. I could already see the huge smile on his face.

"Dad, please don't embarrass me." I said already embarrassed. He laughed at this.

"Don't worry, son. I won't whip out the old family picture album and shower her your little baby butt. Though I could if I wanted to." He said quietly thinking it over in his head.

"Please don't." I said with my head in my hands. He laughed even harder this time.

"I'm just joking. Do you think I should dress up?" He asked as I heard hangers shift on the other end.

"It's not a business meeting, dad. You don't have to impress anyone." I said sitting down on the couch.

"I know that. I just want to make a good impression." He said as I heard more hangers shift. I heard a few beeps from his side of the phone.

"Oh, hang on. I'm getting another call. I'll be back in a sec." He said as I was put on hold. I turned on the tv and watched some late night game shows. They were all the same generic stuff really. Obstacles courses, puzzles, and quizzes. I watched those for 10 minutes before my dad finally said something again.

"Good news, Kenta! It's such great news!" He said ecstatic.

"What is it, dad?!" I said turning the volume down on the tv.

"That was Kaede's brother." He said his sister had told him about the little get together and wanted to meet me. He said he wanted to call sooner, but he had business to attend to. I get where he's coming from, right son?" Said my dad laughing. I was suddenly not feeling as good about this as I was before hand. If my dad finds out he's talking to Lucifer, the Devil King, Drederic. Things might be very difficult for me.

"That's great, dad! That's really great." I said trying my best to mask my nervousness.

"Isn't it? Well I'll leave you be son. I just wanted to check up on you, and tell you I got home safely. I love you, and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" He said as he hung up. I set my phone on the coffee table and slid down in my seat.

"Oh boy, let's see how this goes." I said imagining tomorrow's events.

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