Natalia cross

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Natalia jubilee cross was an aspiring actress and every character she played was Vampire inspired, which was becoming tedious.

It's not that she wasn't intrigued by them, most of them were hot as hell as long as they didn't sparkle in the sun cause pfftt she had never heard anything about that.

Why can't I get other roles hell, I'm smart, sexy and talented but I always end up with this crap and I'm so bored with it. She took out her fake fangs and cleaned her make up off.

She decided to call her best friend Tracy vetter. After several rings there was no answer so she decided to walk home Ever wary of this section of town, to many unusual things happened in Toronto and she didn't wanna end up another statistic.

Javier Vachon had been hunting and decided to walk through the dark and deserted section of the city. He knew that Natalia and Tracy were friends and that Nat was always the last one to leave so he thought he would follow her home just to make sure she was safe.

Natalia walked out of the theater and started making her way home when she sensed that she was being followed and picked her pace up beginning to run.

Javier noticed that someone was following her besides himself knowing that their intentions were not on the up and up decided to land close by and see what was gonna happen so he could better protect her.

Natalia panicked when someone grabbed her and put a knife up to her throat and laughed. You will give me your money or I will slice you from ear to ear. Ok she said, here you go and threw her money to the ground.

Javier walked out from behind a tree and smiled, if I were you sir I would return her money now!!! And if I don't the man replied grabbing Natalia and pulling her close to him as a safety net just in case the other guy tried anything foolish.

Natalia was scared and wasn't sure what to do. Javier noticed this and looked at her with green eyes and he spoke to her," Natalia you will listen and do exactly what I tell you to do understand? She nodded her head and listened.

Good girl Javier said, now just relax and breathe he will not get away from me that easily. I'm scared Natalia told him, I don't wanna die. And you won't he said before looking at the other guy.

The man smiled, I wouldn't try anything unless you want her to die. Javier vachon did exactly the opposite and disappeared coming up behind the other man and grabbing his arms making him drop the knife.

Javier turned the man around and looked in his eyes capturing his gaze before speaking." I don't like people who attack others for no other reason except that they are cowards who have no reason to be."

He looked at Natalia and growled grabbing the mans head and pulling it to one side and biting down draining him dry and throwing his body down before walking over to Natalia.

Hello Natalia he replied, I think I will walk you the rest of the way home and make sure nobody else bothers you. Thank you Javier I didn't even know that you were close by, I tried to call Tracy but never got an answer.

Yea he said she's out with her partner doing the usual stuff. They walked together talking and when they approached her house he knew something wasn't quite right.

Natalia grabbed her keys and unlocked the door proceeding to open it when Javier stopped her and stepped inside first. Wait here he told her and caught a whiff of something that he knew was blood and followed the source seeing two dead bodies on the floor.

She walked in not caring about the warning he gave her and saw a letter written in blood that said I HAVE KILLED YOUR PARENTS AND YOU WILL BE NEXT!!!!! She ran to her parents room and froze when she saw them on the floor. Javier grabbed her and tried to pull her back, no Natalia you don't need to see this.

Natalia screamed at him, let me go Javier they are my parents damn it. Javier pulled her close to him as she struggled and after a few minutes she grabbed onto him and cried.. who could have done this and why did this happen?

I don't know Javier said a look of anger and sadness apparent in his large brown eyes.. but I promise you that the persons involved will be brought to justice.

I think maybe we should go talk to an old friend of mine he will know how to help us find those responsible.

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