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Jayce woke up with a growling stomach. He seemed to be hungry but wasn't sure exactly what he was hungry for.

Jayce walked out of the club and into the night. It became noticeable rather quickly that Everytime he looked at someone, he saw things more clearly, blood pumping just beneath the surface of people's skin, his mouth watered and he drooled.

The girl he was looking at, looked back at him and smiled. "Hi would you like to go on a date?" The girl asked.

"Sure." Jayce said with a smile as he walked with her to her home, then went in with her.

Jayce looked at the inside of the girls apartment. "Not bad." He said though what he was thinking was "what a hellhole for people to have to live in."

The girl smiled. "Its not much but at least I have a roof over my head and food."

"Yes but are you ever home long enough to eat any of it?" Jayce asked, noticing how skinny she was. Even when jayce was human he was always a stickler when it came to making sure women had food and even though he had changed, that part of him had not.

Jayce made a call and started talking to miklos. "Dude I need help asap." He said as he explained everything and told him where he was at.

Miklos told janette what was going on and she told him she was impressed. "Seems our new friend has great potential and common sense." She said as she smiled and told miklos to take a bottle of human vintage to jayce. "Tell him to drink it slowly hhhhmmm yes we don't want him killing everyone in sight as it would put us all at risk."

Miklos grabbed a bottle, nodded his head and took off. He flew across town and arrived in the complex and knocked on the door. Jayce answered it and smiled. "Thanks Miklos."

Miklos smiled. "You're most welcome and Janette said to drink it slowly and not put us at risk. I have one question before I go."

"Whats that miklos?" Jayce asked.

"Why didn't you kill her and be done with it?" Miklos asked curiously.

"Because every since I was a teenager I've been anal about women taking care of themselves and she's not healthy enough for me." Jayce said.

"I see." Miklos said. "Tired weak blood does us no good. Drink up and have a nice evening young jayce." Miklos replied  before he took off again.

Miklos told janette everything about why jayce refused to kill the girl he was with. "Aww that's depressingly sweet." Janette said. "But at least hes smart enough to know his place."

"Any word on Natalie?" Janette asked as she saw Nick walk in. "Natalie is fine Janette." Nick said. "She's no longer human but still fine."

"Ooh shes one of us now?" Janette asked with a slight smile. "Finally Nichola I didn't think you would ever turn her, not that I'm not surprised, but what changed?"

"The fact that she was nearly raped, stabbed and left to die was why I brought her across." Nick said as he saw Miklos eyes turn orange green.

"What do you know about this Miklos?" Nick asked as he looked at the bartender.

"I know there was man in here a few nights ago watching her." Miklos told him with a slight growl.

"What happened that night Miklos?" Nick questioned.

"Nat came in for a drink and he started giving off bad vibes, and looking at her like she was dinner." Miklos said.

"Its not unusual for our kind to do that Miklos." Nick said considering this was a vampire owned establishment.

"He wasn't one of our kind Nichola." Janette said. "I hypnotized him and sent him away with a warning that if he touched her I would kill him. Hmm he must have been a resister.

"Can you give me his description Miklos?" Nick asked as Don walked in.

"About 6ft dark hair and eyes that were pitch black. Something about him almost drove me into a rage Nick, shit she's my friend and when I find him, I will kill him and sorry old friend but not even you will be able to stop me from breaking his neck." Miklos said as he growled.

"Oh he will be found and brought to justice Miklos, you have my word." Nick said trying to avoid dons eyes so that he wouldn't see what he truly was.

"Can I get you something to drink officer Schanke?" Janette asked as she tried to keep him distracted.

"Tea please." Don replied, knowing he couldn't drink much else since he was on duty.

Miklos served Don his drink and grinned.

Don got chills when he looked at Miklos and started drinking his tea.

"You alright detective Schanke?" Janette said as she licked her lips and looked at him.

"Yea yea I'm fine hehe." Don chuckled before setting his glass down on the bar.

"Thanks you two and let's go Schanke." Nick said, grabbing his partner and all but dragging him out the door.


Lucien had taken Natalie to a place he usually hunted out in the basic middle of nowhere with just a few passersby.

"Go ahead Natalie." Lucien said as patiently as he could.

Natalie smiled as she walked up to one of the people and looked at them.

"Oh you look yummy." Natalie said as she smiled and looked at the man with orange green eyes.

The man looked back at her as he saw her smiling and showing fangs as she walked around him seductively before grabbing his hair and giving him fake reassurances before she bit into his throat and fed.

Normal times Lucien wouldn't have stopped her from killing him and just simply let her finish him but this time was different and he pulled her off the man before any major damage was done as he looked at her.

"Good Job Natalie." Lucien smirked.

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