Natalie Lambert (Autopsy)

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The bodies were brought to autopsy so that Natalie could give them a thorough examination.

Nick called her, hi Nat I'm on my way down with Schanke. She shook her head, it's not that she didn't like Don it's just that he got on her very last nerve. Ok Nick I'll see you when you get here and while you're out could you please pick me up something to eat I'm starving?

Sure thing Nat what would you like? A cheeseburger and fries would be lovely and maybe a small salad and a drink, I could use the caffeine. Sure Nat I'll be there shortly.

Don started talking, I don't get it how does one person eat so much? Ahh pretty much the same way you do Schanke. Yea but she's so small. Yea I know Schanke but still if she hasn't eaten all day then I'm gonna make sure that she does eat.

Tracy showed up at the station looking for Natalia seeing her sitting there with Vachon, her friend, informant and personal love interest. Vachon saw her walk in and he walked over to her.

Hey Trace, he said looking at her with a serious expression. Vachon what are you doing here? I was hunting and I knew she's always the last to leave and.. he pulled her to the side. You know if you would have answered your phone she's tried to call you half the evening.

Look I'm sorry ok Trace replied. They looked up to see Natalia was gone. Damn it Tracy said, where the hell did she run off to? Not sure Vachon said, but I think I can find out.

Natalia had decided to leave and take a walk through the city and came to a club called the Raven and decided to check it out. There was a line of people waiting to get in and she stood there patiently.

Lucien made his way to the front doors of the club looking at everyone he passed. He didn't care about mortals as his philosophy was Mortals die all the time, does it really matter how, or when. There was one who caught his attention and he stopped for a brief moment to look at her and smiled holding out his hand.

Natalia blushed and took his hand walking inside with him. What's your name? He asked seeing her look up at him. Natalia Jubilee Cross she said. He smiled back, ahh a very lovely name for a very lovely young lady. Thank you she told him before asking his name.

My name is Lucien Lacroix and I am the owner of this club and you shall be my guest. Lucien looked at Miklos and replied, she is out guest please give her a drink, find her something to eat and watch out for her until I am done with this evenings broadcast

Miklos looked at him, very well Lucien and gave the girl a drink. Natalia looked around and noticed a blond haired woman sitting close by and she smiled noticing the other woman smiling back.

"Javier called urs's number and she answered, hello Javier what's going on?"
"I need your help urs."

"Sure she said sweetly what do you need?"

"There's a girl I brought in with me earlier who left and now I can't find her."

"What does she look like Urs asked?"

About 5'7 black hair and dark eyes, Javier said,her name is Natalia she is one of Tracy's friends and she's panicking because the girl just lost her parents today and we need to bring her back so we can find out exactly what happened."

"The problem is Urs said there are so many girls in here who fit that description but I'll ask and see if any of them go by that name then I'll let you know what I find out."

"Thanks Urs, Vachon said."

"You're welcome and she hung up."

Lucien had spent the better part of the evening talking to the masses about love and betrayal and was getting bored so he decided to bring Natalia in here and talk to her.

He saw her sitting at the bar fairly close to Vachon's protege Urs.

"He smiled at her, hello Urs it's always a pleasure to see you here."

"Urs smiled and stood up, thank you Lucien she said before getting up and leaving."

Natalia almost jumped out of her skin when she heard his voice.

"He got close to her and whispered sorry Natalia did I scare you?"

Urs stopped when she heard him say the girls name and decided to find Vachon quick before anything happened.

Lucien took Natalia by the arm and led her to the studio where he did his broadcasts so they could be alone and talk.

"Lucien, so what brings you to my club Natalia?"This club is kinda dangerous if you don't know anybody."

"I kinda noticed but at this point I truly don't care Natalia said feeling as though she could tell him anything."

"Lucien gave her a curious look before asking, why don't you care?"

"Because She said, fresh tears running down her face, my parents were murdered today"

"Lucien, and so you somehow blame yourself for their deaths?"

"Yes she said through the tears and the ever growing pain in her heart. If only I had been there then maybe they would still be alive."

"Or maybe Lucien said, you would have died with them."

Natalie looked up as she heard Nick and Don walk in.

"Hello Nat he said reaching over and kissing her cheek."

"Hello she said smiling."

"Here you go Nick said, your meal milady. One cheeseburger,fries, salad and drink as you requested."

"Natalie gave a very sweet smile before saying you are too kind sir. She laughed and put on her mask, so let's get started shall we?"

"Don looked like he was gonna be sick but tried to fight it. Sure Dr.Lambert anytime you're ready."

"Nick smiled, you're looking a little green Schank."

"It's nothing I'm ok really Don said."

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