Urs to the rescue

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Urs used her vampiric speed to run to the precinct finding Javier talking to Tracy and looking up she saw Nicholas standing there looking at her.

Nick saw her standing there with a panicked look on her face and he walked over to her gently taking her by the arm and leading her to his desk. Have a seat Urs he replied, watching as she sat down.

What seems to be the problem? He asked looking at her. That girl Natalia that everyone is looking for is at the raven with Lucien. Javier walked over with Tracy and stood beside of Urs. Oh this is not good he replied. Nick was in total agreement and decided that he and Vachon would go to the raven and make sure that no harm came to her.

Lucien smiled and decided that he would be the one to help and protect her. You are safe with me he said looking at her.

Natalia noticed that his once blue eyes had turned a yellow/gold color and a look of panic spread across her face. What are you she asked? Moving closer to the door thinking that if she could get close enough to it she could get away.

As she went to grab the door handle she noticed the only thing she grabbed was him. And where do you think you're going he asked? She stood up and tried to push him away and when she couldn't budge him she started to panic.

No Lucien said you can't leave. Natalia noticed that as he said this she saw fangs. But..but she said terrified that her heart would jump out of her chest.

Non, ma chérie, vous voulez rester he whispered to her in french grabbing her dark hair and putting his other arm around her holding her close. Je veux seulement te garder en sécurité et satisfaire ma faim.

Natalia could only hope that whatever he was, whatever he was gonna do didn't result in her death. Lucien bit down into her skin tasting her blood consuming what he could without killing her and giving her his blood in return.

Nick, Vachon and Urs flew into the raven looking for Natalia. Janette Ducharme worked with Lucien offering sanctuary to those of her kind.

Nick saw her and grabbed her hand kissing it and looking up at her. Hello Nichola she said and what brings you here? I'm looking for a young girl. 5'7 black hair, dark eyes names Natalia Cross.

Janette hadn't paid much attention, she'd only just woke up and had only been upstairs for a few minutes. I haven't seen her she said. Come on Janette I know she's here with Lacroix.

Nick grabbed her arm, he was done playing games. Janette was furious, I told you i haven't seen her and if she's with Lacroix I would strongly advise against interfering cause we both know that he would not tolerate you butting into his affairs.

Natalia heard Lacroix call out to her. Wake up Natalia and join me. She raised her head and smiled at him. What happened? She asked, feeling extremely hungry and he held out his hand, which she took.

They walked out into the club and saw everyone including Tracy who noticed that Natalia was different and became very worried as did Vachon and Urs.

Nick became angry when he saw this and walked over to his maker grabbing his arm pulling him to the side. What the hell have you done to her? Lacroix snarled and jerked his arm away. I don't take kindly to coercion Nicholas.

Nicholas grabbed him again and shoved him into the wall, his eyes turned yellow and wasn't surprised when Lacroix shoved him, sending him flying across the bar.

Natalia smiled and looked up at him and linked her arm through his looking at Vachon and Urs before responding, its fine I'm gonna be ok.

You see Lucien said, she's with me now.Janette looked concerned, it wasn't like her maker to be so reckless. She walked over to him and leaned in close, are you crazy? I've never seen you so reckless that you would bring someone across without their consent.

Lucien smirked, yea I've been looking for a new protege and she serves my needs quite well.

Javier took this opportunity while Lacroix was distracted to grab Natalia and disappeared with Urs right behind him taking her to the abandoned building that was home to him and his carouche friend Skreed.

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