New surroundings

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Screed was enjoying his meal which was a nice juicy rat. He looked up as Javier and Urs appear with a black haired beauty.

Ello me lovelies, he said looking at the girl hiding behind Javier. I see you brought a puppy home with ya, did you do what needs doin and boozle her before suckin her proper?

Javier looked at him, no I didn't. Screed stood up and walked over to her. Then can I look in her baby shoes and bloody bleed her dry?

Urs stepped in between the girl and screed. Only if you have a death wish carouche. Screed smiled, alright don't get your knickers all twisted then.

Natalia looked at him, he sure didn't look like the rest of them, for one thing he was bald as a cue ball and was even more pale then the others.

Natalia looked at Urs with a puzzled expression. What is a carouche she asked? Urs looked at her, he's the lowest form of vampire possible surviving on animals instead of people.

Screed smiled, that's right lovely, although I ave bitten a few throats in my day, and it was a nice bit o scrapple for that little bit of apple. Natalia giggled and noticed everyone looking at her.

What? She asked, I can't help that I find him to funny. Javier told her in no uncertain terms that even though screed had a wicked sense of humor that he was still a very dangerous individual.

Lucien was absolutely livid and flew to where his protege was being kept, flying straight through the glass window shattering it into a million pieces snarling fiercely.

Urs and Javier put themselves in front of Natalia. No Lacroix she's under our protection. Oh did you think you would keep what's mine hidden from me, Lucien snarled, I am her protector , she is made in my image and you will give her back to me or I will destroy all of you.

Screed smiled, take the puppy then, she doesn't belong here anyway says I. Lucien looked at Natalia and started speaking to her. Come to me child, lover, daughter.

Natalia tried to push past the others to get to him, but they were much stronger than she was. No Javier said and besides haven't you done enough damage to her? Taking her without her consent?

Lucien grabbed him and slung him out of the way, looking at Urs daring her to try anything and grabbed Natalia taking her back to the raven.

Nick was still inside talking to Janette, you know that she's in danger being around him? Janette looked at him, and what Danger would that be hmmm she's already one of us nichola. Yes Lucien replied, what Danger hmmm? She's safer here being one of us then being on the street with a killer on the loose being left to her own devices.

Natalia put her arms around him holding him close and looked up at him. Thank you for this very precious gift Lucien she replied. See at least she's thankful for what I've given her Nicholas.

Nick looked at her and then at him, that may very well be but I don't think she realizes exactly what this life is and all the endless loneliness it entails, she will watch her friends grow old and die or she will kill most of them.

Good Lucien replied, she will apparently be better at it then you ever were Nicholas.

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