Luciens promise To Natalia

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Lucien grabbed Natalia and took her down below to show her where everyone slept during the day.

"This is where most of us sleep Natalia, and you will sleep down here as well. Lucien said as he looked at her."

" Will I be close to you Lucien?, Natalia asked as she stared at him curiously."

Lucien stared at her, raising an eyebrow before smiling slightly " Hmm Yes Natalia, for now you will be, as you're still young and I don't trust anyone."

As if sensing her thoughts he decided to answer the next question before it slipped past her lips.

"Yes Natalia, I will ensure that you remain safe, nobody will hurt you, and anyone who is presumptuous enough to try, will answer to me. Lucien stated matter of factly"

Janette heard the two of them talking and decided to walk out of her sleeping area to see what was going on.

"Ah good evening to you Janette, always a pleasure to see your beautiful face, Lucien Said Smiling."

"Good evening LaCroix, I trust your day has started out on good footing?" Janette replied as she gave her usual sweet smile.

"Good evening Mrs. Janette." Natalia replied, looking at the woman before her.

"Good evening Natalia, I hope you are being taken care of." Janette said looking at the girl quizzically.

"Yes I am thank you, though I am the tiniest bit hungry." Natalia replied, looking at them both with gold colored eyes, her long fangs showing.

"Then let's take you hunting Natalia." Lucien replied with a sneer on his face. " There are people in the club, but if you're gonna take one, they're to be brought down here away from prying eyes."

Natalia smiled as she vanished from the basement to the main club area in a flash.

There were so many people in the Raven, on the dance floor that Natalia wasn't sure which one caught her eye more,then she saw one and she grinned.

"Do be careful who you take below, make sure they didn't come with anyone, as it is much easier to cover our tracks that way." Miklos replied with a smug but serious expression.

Natalia smiled and went to the dance floor and started swaying her hips suggestively.

A young man saw her and approached. " Hi I'm Jayce, can I have the honor of dancing with you?"

Natalia only smiled as she grabbed his hand before looking at Lucien for approval.

Lucien smiled as he looked at his protege and then at Janette. " For someone who has just recently been turned, she knows her place and I find it endearing that she seeks my approval."

Janette smiled. " Yes it is but she still needs to be watched, she could easily become reckless and put us all in danger."

Natalie Lambert decided to take a break, let loose and have some fun opting to spend an evening at the Raven club, granted she knew what the owners were, but she still needed a break.

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