Natalie Reborn (MMF 2)

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Natalie had dreamt of a man with black hair and cold soulless eyes and she sat up screaming.

"NOOOO!!!!!!! How Could You, I Don't Even Know You." Natalie screamed as she looked around, then down at where she had been stabbed.

"What the hell? There's no marks on my body anywhere, but that can't be...unless." Natalie asked herself.

Natalie yelled out for Nick who had been chatting with his maker Lucien LaCroix who was thrilled at the thought of one Natalie Lambert being one of them.

"I must say I'm impressed with your decision to bring Dr. Lambert across Nicholas, tho I must say, it took you long enough." Lucien said with a slight chuckle.

"Well she would still be human if she hadn't been stabbed LaCroix." Nick said sarcastically.

"Yes and how is the young and beautiful Dr. Doing?" Lucien asked as he heard Natalie scream.

Nick flew upstairs and sat beside of Natalie and held her close. "Shhhhh it's ok Nat, mind telling me what happened?"

Natalie cringed slightly when she saw Lucien LaCroix, dj and owner of club Raven aka the Nightcrawler who spouted off non stop drivel to the masses of Toronto walk up to the foot of her bed.

"Yes, Natalie Do Tell." Lucien said with his usual non stop wicked, ruthless grin.

"What the hell is he doing here Nick?" Natalie asked as she looked into Luciens cold blue eyes.

"He's here to help Nat, we need to know what happened to you.' Nick asked as he looked in her eyes.

"I don't know, I can't remember, last thing I remember was walking out of the Raven, then waking up." Natalie said shaking

Nick looked deeply into Natalie's eyes and spoke softly. " You will listen to me Nat, you will remember and tell me what happened."

Natalie was trying to fight being hypnotized as being a human who let's face it wasn't immune to vampires hypnotic power, to becoming a vamp who had become somewhat of a resister

Nick looked at Lucien who smiled. " You want to tell me what happened Dr. Lambert." Lucien replied.

Lucien's voice became soft and deep as he looked deeper into Natalie's eyes."Tell me what happened, what did u see?"

"I Was walking out of the club to go home, when out of nowhere a guy put his hand over my mouth before making a half assed attempt to rape me, then when I fought back he stabbed me and left me to die." Natalie said almost in tears.

Nick snarled as he looked from Natalie to Lacroix then told Lucien to watch Natalie till he got back.

Lucien grimaced at the thought of having to watch Natalie, but since she was young and inexperienced he thought who better to teach her how to hunt and feed properly then someone who had been here for almost 1800 years.

" Let's go Natalie." Lucien said with an authoritative voice.

Natalie was hungry as she heard her stomach all but roar at her as she looked at LaCroix who arched an eyebrow at her. " Hungry are we?"

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